Role required: Fulfillment Administrator; General System Administrator
Each CSU campus has the option to renew all of the books that users have checked out from their library. The easiest way to do this is do change all of the due dates in bulk.
Note: If there is an accruing fine for a loan that is overdue, and then due date is updated so that the loan is no longer overdue, the fine will be dismissed. No fines are charged when the item is returned. This behavior is determined by the overdue_at_change_due_date parameter.
Detailed instructions:
1. On the Bulk Change Due Date page (Fulfillment > Advanced Tools > Bulk Change Due Dates), enter the relevant information in the displayed fields, as described in the following table.
Sample form:
Form Fields Definition:
Field |
| Description |
Library | Required | Select the library from which you want to change due dates.
Location | Optional | If no location selected, the job will cover all locations for the selected library
Material type | Optional | If no material type selected, the job will cover all material types.
User group. | Optional | If no location selected, the job will cover all user groups.
2. Click on the
button and select Confirm on the pop up message.
3. The Job Report list shows completed jobs. From the ellipses, select “View Report” to open the full report.
4. The Job Report provides information on any errors as well as successful operations that were completed in the job.
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