Alma/ILLiad Letters Overview

Alma or ILLiad will send the following letters to the user:

  • Loan Receipt Letter - sent upon checking out the item from the Locker Desk location.

    • This letter has customized text depending on the  Library. Items to be picked up from the Lockers are checked out from the Lockers Library, and they will receive the Locker Pickup Loan Receipt Letter with instructions for how to retrieve their items and notice that they will receive an email from Luxer One with more information. Items mailed to home are checked out from the Main Library, and users will receive the Mail to Home Loan Receipt Letter which includes confirmation that the item has been mailed to them.

  • Mail to Home Letter (ILLiad) - sent upon checking out the item from ILLiad by RS staff.

  • Locker Pickup Letter (ILLiad) - sent upon checking out the item from ILLiad webcirc by US staff.

Below are examples of letters to help you in creating your own.

Loan Receipt Letter


Hello [Name],

The following item(s) that you requested is ready for pick up at the CSUSM Library Lockers.

[Table of Items]

You have 6 days to pick up your item(s) from the Library Lockers. Please email if you are unable to pickup your item(s) within this time frame or would like to cancel your request. Items not picked up will be removed from the locker and returned to the library. 

The CSUSM Library Lockers are located off of Craven Circle, outside of the second floor of the Kellogg Library and are accessible 24/7.

Instructions for picking up your items will be in a separate email from Luxer One. 


University Library
(760) 750-4348

Contact Us

Mail to Home ILLiad Letter

Subject: ILL Loan Delivery 

Hi <#User.FirstName>,

A loan that you had requested:

Title: <#Transaction.LoanTitle>

Author: <#Transaction.LoanAuthor>

TN: <Number>

is now in transit to the following address:


If the above address is incorrect, please contact us immediately.

If you do not receive your loan within 10 days, please let us know.

To return items, you may mail the item back using the prepaid shipping label in the package or drop off in the Library Return boxes located off of Craven Circle.

Thank you for using Interlibrary Loan.

Questions may be directed to

Locker Pickup ILLiad Letter


Hello [Name],

The following item that you requested is ready for pick up at the CSUSM Library Lockers:

Title: <#Transaction.LoanTitle>

Author: <#Transaction.LoanAuthor>

Due Date: <Date>

TN: <Number>

You have 6 days to pick up materials from the Library Lockers. Please email if you are unable to pickup your item(s) within this time frame or would like to cancel your request. 

The CSUSM Library Lockers are off of Craven Circle, outside of the second floor of the Kellogg Library. This space is accessible 24/7 for you to pick up your requested items.

Instructions for picking up your items will be in a separate email from Luxer One. 

If your experience any issues, please contact

For questions about the loan itself, please contact

Thank you for using Interlibrary Loan.