This workflow can be used when a patron claims to have returned an item, however, the item is still on that patron's account.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Once you log into Alma, go to Manage Patron Services
  2. Bring up the patron's account
  3. View the patron's loans
  4. Click on the ellipsis on the right (the three dots)
  5. Click on Claimed Return
  6. There is an opportunity to type notes (if you would like to add any notes, this is not mandatory)
  7. The loan status of the book is now changed to Claimed Returned

If you would like to run a search list to find all of your claims returned items, you can do the following:

  1. Click on Advanced Search
  2. Change the search term to Physical Items
  3. Click on Physical Item, then process type that equals Claimed Returned
  4. Search
  5. You can export your search to excel and use that as a search list

To remove an item from Claimed Returned you can scan the item in under Return Items