
This guide creates a TOU with a 16 week due date rather than an 8 week due date with one auto renewal. This is the simplest method to achieve the semester-long 16-week due date as outlined in the policy approved by COLD in February of 2017.

Create Terms of Use (TOU) with due date of 1 year and another one for 16 week loan

Go to Alma Configuration > Fulfillment > Terms of Use and Policies


In TOU Management, click on Add a TOU

Select Loan and click on Next

Name your TOU and give it a description with as much detail as you can.

Under the TOU Policies, for Due Date, select 1 Year Loan (1 Year Loan) or 16 week Loan

  • If the 1 year or 16 week loan policy does not currently exist, click the ••• > Add Policy and walk through the steps to create one that looks like this:

Now do this all again but set the due date policy to 1 year for faculty and staff.

Create a Fulfillment Unit Rule

Go to Alma Configuration > Fulfillment > Fulfillment Units

From your Fulfillment Units List, select the FU for your general book stacks

Select Fulfillment Unit Rules

Select Rule Type LOAN and click on Add Rule


Give your FU Rule a Name and add a description; and click on add a parameter

For Input Parameters, add user group and add all faculty and staff user groups (for 1 year) or all students user group (for 16 week)

For Output Parameters, select the TOU you created in Step 1

Now create another fulfillment unit rule selecting all your faculty user groups as your input parameters and selecting your 1-year faculty/staff TOU as the output parameter.