Project Owner: Former user (Deleted) Troy Compton (Unlicensed)
Overall Status
Project Links
Major Milestones
Stage | Complete By | Status |
Review Financial Policy Survey | COMPLETE | |
Create Charge/Goals | COMPLETE | |
Work on a Proposal to Send to COLD | ||
Proposal to the Resource Sharing Task Force | COMPLETE | |
Response from COLD | IN PROCESS | |
Project Team
Role | Name |
Sponsor | |
Project Lead/Coordinator | |
Team Members | Natasha Allen (SJSU) Margaret Adeogun (Calpoly) Bill Folden (Humboldt) Joan Goodwin (SDSU) Paula Kapteyn (East Bay) Dawnelle Ricciardi (Sonoma) Mike Villalobos (Northridge) Jason Chavez (East Bay) Denise Gipson-Perry (CSUSB) Jamie Lamberti (Sacramento) Michael Price (Calpoly) Vicky Munda (Long Beach) Teresa Roudenbush (San Marcos) Dwayne Machado (Stanislaus) |
Vendor Contacts | |
Informed / Other Stakeholders |
Why are we doing this?
CSU wide Circulation and Financial Policies, which includes Resource Sharing, will create less confusion for Students, Faculty, and Staff. Moving to a new system also allows each campus to update policies that were created decades ago.
Create Best Practices regarding circulation and financial policies that can be implemented across the CSU or at individual institutions.
Policies we are Focusing on:
- Long-term loan length & fines- Main Collection
- Recall policy- How will Resource Sharing affect recall policy?
- Replacement cost / processing fee / Number of days to bill replacement
- Replacement books- will accept, and criteria for acceptance
- No overdue fines for main stack items
- Uniform loan periods for different patron type (Student, Faculty, Staff)
- Will Community Borrowers be able to use Resource Sharing and ILL?
- Unlimited Renewals. - Recall could stop a renewal?
- Best Practices to get faculty to return material
- Faculty Billing.
- Best Practices for Alumni- Research more on these policies.
- Resource Sharing Policies - We would like to create CSU wide circulation policies that match Resource Sharing Policies.
Google Docs and Sheets:
Working Document:
Financial Policy Survey:
Access Services Survey (OCT 2015)
ULMS Access Services Survey.xlsx
COLD: Not Yet Started
Resource Sharing Task Force: