Coming Soon Sign
This sign was placed on the CSUSM Library Lockers once they were installed so that users were made aware of what the lockers are for and when they can expect to begin using them.
Directional A-Frame
The A-Frame was created because the lockers are tucked into a showed corner of the building and could be hard to find.
A-Frame Placement
The A-Frame was placed in a place where users can see it when they drive around Craven Circle so that they know they are in the right place. The A-Frame had to be placed so that it did not block the pathways and was at least 6’ away from any stairs.
Spotlight on the Library Webpage
An image and webpage were created so that a spotlight could be added to the Library’s Main page.
Need Help Locker Magnet
This magnet was drafted up as we were considering placing a second magnet on the locker to let users know how to contact Library personnel with any issues, but we chose to create a “Locker Instructions Sign” instead.
Locker Instructions Sign
This sign was placed next to the lockers to let users know how to pick their item up, where to drop items off, and who to contact for help.
CSUSM A-Frame Locker Sign 30x48 Final (1).pdf (application/pdf)
aframe placement.jpg (image/jpeg)
CSUSM Locker Spotlight.jpg (image/jpeg)
CSUSM Need Help Locker Magnet Mockup.png (image/png)
CSUSM Locker Instructions Sign 22 x 28.pdf (application/pdf)