6/22/2016 ULMS Financial Data Subgroup Meeting
Present: Julie Kowalewski Ward (San Jose), Michael Price (Cal Poly), Denise Gipson-Perry (San Bernardino), Joan Goodwin (San Diego), Margaret Adeogun (Cal Poly), Jamie Lamberti (Sacramento), Vicky Munda (Long Beach)
Update from ULMS Leads on separating fines from terms of use
Google doc to compare fines
Update from Survey Subcommittee
Progress so far
Date for survey to be finished
Include question about whether in favor of system wide fine policies
Update from Clean up Subcommittee
Progress so far
Schedule meetings
Minutes from the 6/15/16 meeting was approved by all members.
ULMS Fulfillment Policies Group: Julie discussed with the ULMS Access Services Leads about combining our group with the policies group. The leads feel the groups should stay separate. We can still collect information regarding fines polices to create best practices. Aleta Asbury sent out a call for volunteers for the ULMS Fulfillment Policies Group. Julie encourages that some of us volunteer for that group.
Survey Group: The survey group is in the preliminary stages of creating questions for the survey. Joan organized the answers from the fall 2015 Access Services survey. The survey group suggests that we ask the campuses to verify the information is still accurate. Julie recommends posting a questions to the ULMS Access Services & Resource Sharing listserv asking if people believe we should have unified fine polices/best practices and ask their concerns. The group discussed possible topics to include in the survey: clean-up fine amnesty, holds on university records, policy change restrictions, replacement copies, who is charged fines, and ideal policies and practices. The survey group will have a preliminary list of questions by next meeting. The final survey could possibly be a sharable Google document sent to the Access Services Heads and the ULMS Access Services & Resource Sharing listserv.
Clean-up Group: The clean-up group has not begun discussions. Margaret posted a question to the Circ Plus listserv and received promising answers. She will share with the group an audit process received as a response and her own clean-up process for Kennedy Library. Joan will send out information for the listserv.
Test Loads: Julie mentioned the test loads have been delivered to each campus. Sierra libraries can migrate fine detail. Millennium libraries can only migrate lump-sum information.
ULMS Site: Julie reminded us we still need to come up with a charge for the group. The ULMS page will also need to be updated with information as we determine/complete milestones.
Meetings: The group will continue to meet weekly. Wednesdays work best for most people. Michael sent out a meeting request for each Wednesday from 1:30-3pm through July 20th. Julie and Margaret will miss upcoming meetings. Matthew will continue to provide access to Zoom for meetings.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, June 29, 2016, 1:30pm – 3:00pm