The only way to recall an item is with a work order!
Setting up Recall Work Order
- Use Alma documentation to create a work order/department.
- Make sure you check the “Recalls Loans” box.
- You just need one status of “Recall Placed.”
- You will have to scope the course reserves person as work order operator and add service unit of the department you set up for this work order.
Note: You will also make sure you have recall configured in the TOUs set to the time you want for course reserves.
Recalling an Item Needed for Course Reserves
When you do a “physical item” repository search and see that the item is checked out to a patron. You want to recall it so you can get it on reserve.
- Click on Work Order under the item in the search results.
- Process Type: Course Reserve Recall
- Note: Put course code needing the item (optional)
- Managing Department: Course Reserves
When the items is checked in at the circ desk, the operator will get a message: The item’s destination is: Course Reserves Item is requested. The item is given to course reserves staff, who will:
- Set Currently at: Course Reserves
- Go to Post-Receiving Processing → Scan In Items
- Done – check YES
- Scan item barcode
- Click on Manage In Process Items on top right of page.
- Click on Actions next to the item and select “Done”
- Change Currently at: Main Library Circulation Desk, Scan in item and then it will show "item in place."
- Go through regular procedure to add library item to a reading list (scan in items/Change Item Information).
To See Items Reserve Recall Work Order
- Resource Requests --> Monitor Requests and Item Processes
- Limit results to Request/Process Type: Course Reserves Recall --OR-- Pickup Location: Course Reserves (or whatever you named your department)