This recommendation list will be updated with new recommendations as needed. Please contact a member of the Fulfillment Functional Committee to add a recommendation.
Quarantining Returned Items
The RSFC and FFC recommend eliminating the quarantine period prior to the fall semester provided conditions do not change
If quarantining, advertise check-in and requesting expectations in notices, near book returns, on webpage, etc. (i.e. All returned items will be quarantined for up to one week prior to being returned)
Refer to the CDC and REALM Project for additional guidance.
Restaffing and Reopening Libraries
Organize workspace according to campus guidelines (e.g. masking and/or social distancing)
Keep ample stock of anti-bacterial gel and wipes for both staff and users, especially in main study spaces and study rooms
Consider touchless checkout (e.g. have user swipe their own ID card, have user hold up the barcode for staff to scan)
Have signage encouraging frequent handwashing