Primo interface timeline: Not getting beta interface in Vanguard
- Wide spread realease this summer - we may get it earlier, but not in vanguard
- Most changes are to address responsive web design
- Webinar about beta Primo interface:
-, password PrimoN3ws
- Discusses user testing at Tulane University - using old Primo interface
Primo configuration form for vanguards in January
- Vanguards configuring their own, give feedback on successes/failures to inform our work
Primo Central: Implementation in January with Xerxes
- Primo Central - journal indexes
- Primo Back Office - local catalog records, etc. OPAC
Inventory of current indexes and scopes in campus OPACs and how critical these may be to carry forward into Primo
- Qualtrics survey for current uses/needs of scopes, indexes
- Group will create questions in google doc over next month. Send out Qualtrics survey in January
User Profiles for Config Testing
- work on this in google docs and email over the next month, test in vanguard config
- Set up more specific user personas based on skill level, set up search categories (searches focused on a specific item type, searches based on subject headings, searches for known items, etc.), add specific research objectives we're trying to perform such as lit reviews, known item searches, come up with searches that have some kind of error or flaw
- What would a good search look like, what would a bad search look like in these personas?