Elizabeth - posting minutes to Confluence
Christina - verifying MARC/Alma fields for display mapping
The group reviewed the consortial page of the Discovery workbook in anticipation of submitting it to ExLibris March 2.
- Basic search: for now no additional scopes are being requested; labeling left open
- Advanced search: adding ISBN (MARC 020) and ISSN (022) to indexed search options on the left
- Results Facets: not requesting new facets; leave everything open to the institution for labeling and reordering. Possible exception is "Expand my results"; DWG may recommend a consistent label because its significance/effect is unclear. Will wait until the initial set of config changes rolls out before considering.
- Brief results - Details Tab – Additional fields: working with TS Working group to determine what fields will be available for mapping to PNX record and displaying. Will include as many as possible and leave it up to the institution to turn on or not.
Registration for ELUNA 2016 is now open. http://el-una.org/meetings/eluna-2016/
There is a technical seminar that has a lot of Primo sessions in it - including training for Primo certification. http://www.cvent.com/events/ex-libris-technical-seminar-2016/event-summary-26dca059196d4e80949dd2ae0ea26a0f.aspx