ULMS Discovery : 2016-07-21 Discovery Consortium Workbook handoff webinar

Environment sized for 24M records but increased RAM on back office.  Running the pipes is taking a lot longer than expected.  9M+ records


  • Configuration workbook consortium sheet
  • PNX and local fields
  • Q & A

Workbook – looking at tab interfaces, search results

Once all records are loaded and piped, a case will be open for all campuses and the workbook will be sent out.  Consortium case with requests from campuses assigned to Christina.

In order to complete workbook, campuses will be asked to examine the PNX record to verify that the data is there that they want and is correct or whether it needs to be added

Local fields – considerations for adding and mapping; institutions don’t need to use all fields

Assigned local fields, initial Feb 2016/ Course reserves, oclc number, IZ mms id

July 2016 local fields review

975 Digital books plates (Northridge); 970 Table of Contents; Library Collections (Sacramento).  Roll Library collections facet into the locations facet?

Lateral linking fields – only LSR and LDS 30-39. 

Discussion of display fields – local fields mapped to canonical fields.  Mappings of MARC into facets have to be configured separately (but affect the entire consortium).

We can request that OCLC numbers and other identifiers be removed before we go live.  We do need to display the source information because of contract, however.

Q & A

Add Sudoc # to dropdown?  You can add it on the institution level – it’s already mapped to call number.  Ask campuses: sudoc wanted as separate advanced search?  Browse?

Order of limiters in adnvaced search? (review recording)

Will suppressed records show up in Course Reserves?  They can be configured not to (review!)

What is the difference between local and consortial fields? $$i encodes local PNX fields during normalization, based on subfield information in the MARC.  Primo uses it to configure display of data in consortial searches. 

Note from Dolph Chaney: Note: if the 99xxxxxxxx number ends in 2901, that means it is a Network Zone bib.

Who configures which bib export options show up?  Local configuration of the links display in the record UI.

Mike from Fullerton: why are my results predominantly open source?  Look at PCI report – is it picking up your files?  Maybe Fullerton holdings haven’t been picked up since the activations were completed.  Perhaps all holdings files should be reimported in PCI for everyone.