

Discussion items

Primo Data PublishingChristina

Dedup did not complete properly, data still not available, EL working on it. Deadlines pushed back again. Final deadline TBD. Dedup load too large b/c of record overlap and records not attaching to NZ.


Task Forces

 Much is waiting on the new UI and the final release in November.
 3rd PartyKevenStill deciding what to tackle, working with LMS group, will discuss Syndetics and task force meeting. Thinking of getting a CSU developer network together for Primo. Consortia AngularJS training? Github repo?
 Results BoostingKevenStill determining what is local/consortia - will create document, recommendation and share with leads then the whole working group.
 UX TestingMikeUX test docs being created, task force submitting questions to that document now. Also in limbo for new UI.
 Testing document/formKeven

Suggest that we create a form for those testing Primo to submit issues. This form may be used to address different categories of issues to be addresses by EL/leads/task forces. Keven will get with David Walker to see where that

should be housed.

 Meet-up eventsChristinaMeet up events should be planned in Jan/Feb when we have the new UI and some time to play with it. "hacking" events problematic b/c of VPN access by campus. Will contact meet-up groups.
 Primo SandboxChristinaDefinite need for a Primo sandbox and write access to Primo b/o soon. Will contact Lynn for more dates.