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  1. Format type configuration
    1. EL workiing to apply UW format types per TS recommendation and discovery review (facets_rsrctype). See UW Primo instance at http://www.lib.washington.edu/
    2. Whole consortia config can be found here
  2. Local field normalization (Elizabeth)
    1. Working with Luiz to normalize all local fields and allow local data to be optimally searched and display. Using Orbis as a model.
  3. Discussion of configuration training and sandbox
    1. 10/2016 - Configuration in sandbox
    2. 11/7 - reinstillation of production
    3. 11/9 - import config to production from sandbox
    4. 11/11 - republishing/pipes/indexing
    5. 11/14 week - authentication work
    6. Configured production environment scheduled to be delivered 11/28
  4. Discovery policy discussion 
    1. See a list of policies currently being draft at https://goo.gl/HL2LXH
      1. Note for rule change policies - we expect the governing body to have the technical expertise to make most changes requested by campuses, with read access to Primo BO for all.
    2. Contact lead assigned to policy if you're interested in participating
    3. Please post other ideas for procedures/best practices to listserv
    4. Dave suggests UX best practices documentation
    5. See Orbis' discovery documentation site at 
