Due to technical difficulties no recording is available
- Format type configuration
- EL workiing to apply UW format types per TS recommendation and discovery review (facets_rsrctype). See UW Primo instance at http://www.lib.washington.edu/
- Whole consortia config can be found here
- Local field normalization (Elizabeth)
- Working with Luiz to normalize all local fields and allow local data to be optimally searched and display. Using Orbis as a model.
- Discussion of configuration training and sandbox
- 10/2016 - Configuration in sandbox
- 11/7 - reinstillation of production
- 11/9 - import config to production from sandbox
- 11/11 - republishing/pipes/indexing
- 11/14 week - authentication work
- Configured production environment scheduled to be delivered 11/28
- Discovery policy discussion
- See a list of policies currently being draft at https://goo.gl/HL2LXH
- Note for rule change policies - we expect the governing body to have the technical expertise to make most changes requested by campuses, with read access to Primo BO for all.
- Contact lead assigned to policy if you're interested in participating
- Please post other ideas for procedures/best practices to listserv
- Dave suggests UX best practices documentation
- See Orbis' discovery documentation site at
- See a list of policies currently being draft at https://goo.gl/HL2LXH