

Discussion items



AnnouncementsMike DeMars (Unlicensed)Https has arrived to the reserves app!



How'd it go? Pretty well! Started on Christmas Day. Everything went smoothly. Scheduled tasks were turned off for a week, but that was caught. All new content is being ingested in Primo. No weird duplicate records. 

5minImporting Content
LibGuides have been done, what else? LibGuides has been brought in by some campuses. There is some stuff going on in sandboxes. D-Space and other institutional repositories.  
10minTask Force Updates

Anything to share at the next open forum?

User Interface and Development Taskforce: Primo Survey results

Analytics Joint Task Force:  Meeting that morning. Most goals are long term

Norm Rules Task Force: discussion on upcoming decisions. What is the fate of FRBR? How do we fix the citation generator?

Outreach and Instruction Task Force: No update at the moment. The FAQ page is being worked on.

Misc Stuff
Some norm rule changes require follow through on the campus level. The amount of follow through that is occurring hasn't been determined. This should be discussed at the next open forum.

Recording of Meeting

  • Will be posted here