There are 50 local link fields slots, so no concerns there
See above on labels
Author name display order and punctuation, related to ticket #104
The inversion of the name into first-last order makes untangling some of these punctuation issues difficult. I'm not certain that having the name in first-last order is specially useful. Should we consider just using the data as-is from the MARC record instead?
Currently, Primo norm rules (#6) for display:creator (fist name only extracted) removes commas and other punctuation: ,/=. from the end of 100 $a.
Should get feedback from others before making this change.
Do not merge VHS with DVD/BluRay records, from ticket #106
add display/type videocassette and lp to type 99 in dedup/t?
Similar issue: happens, also, with LP/CD pairs). Maybe audio, too, if audio = audiocassettes.