Some recent update to either Alma or Primo (TBD) has affected Alma API responsiveness. (Taking up to 2 minutes to get the Alma data into Primo display.)
Zach has been fixing issues previously reported via the Trello board.
There are extant fixes that have not yet been pushed to the Github repository and current version.
Testing on the timing of the API needs to be run and a case about responsiveness needs to be opened on Salesforce. Zach will look into filing of ticket and report back.
OB: Discovery Open Forum
Open Forum Tentative Agenda
Introduce task force
Go over our priorities: (Primo VE), custom Get It menu, CDI grievances, (we should invite the CDI task force members - need to get clarification about how to handle reporting of errors - invite Jessica)
Crowdsource input on Cmt. priorities
Solicit feedback on VE analysis areas
OB: Primo VE Evaluation
Speed (page load time)
Usability from staff side (i.e. ALMA v Primo Back Office)
Usability from patron side
Results (e.g. relevancy ranking)
OB: Other
Custom resource type icons
How many custom icons would be required? TBD
@Christian Ward has some graphic designers who might be able to mock up some designs.
Question: would it be right to just restrict this to getting feedback from library faculty/staff and not students?
Question raised: have other universities done custom icon sets? What is the ROI on custom icons? Yes, Gabriel Gardner (Unlicensed) will investigate and report back.
We will pose questions about icon issue at the next open forum to get feedback and gauge level of interest among the campuses.
Question from Nerissa Lindsey (Unlicensed): Are there potential usability issues from not having full metadata for ebooks ordered via GOBI API and using the CZ records? Answer: none anticipated by Christine Holmes.
Calendar event and invitation for Disco Open Forum on 9/18/20 need to be made and sent out.
Jessica Hartwigsen and members of the ULMS CDI Migration group (Dolly, Jessica, Ya, Austin) will be invited to the Open Forum on September 18th to share knowledge about open cases and error reporting workflows.
David Walker will install the APA 7th Ed. Citation Style Language at the Primo Installation level. Each campus will be able to inherit the updated CSL for the Primo citation generator. Details forthcoming.
Discovery Open Forum: September 18th, 2020 1PM
Aim to hold at least 2 Open Forums per semester. (One every other month.)