Christian, Gabriel, and Brandon had a conversation on April 7th about running a straw poll to help inform the eventual decision which will be made by the DFC.
Straw poll will be sent out to Primo Admins on Monday, April 19 and accept responses through Friday, April 23.
VE Eval:
Testing procedures
We have less than 50% responding to the testing so far. The exception being load testing where the response rate is good.
Note: CSU+ testing is not covered in detail by the testing plan we devised. Campuses are urged to test CSU+ capabilities at their earliest convenience and report any issues.
VE Eval: Dissemination of results / decision
Gabriel and Christian will be allocated 3 weeks to reviewing the data.
Date of decision: the Friday May 21st DFC meeting.
If we elect to Go on May 21st the ballpark live date for VE cutting over to production would be Monday June 21.
Jeannie Graham has asked if all testing data will be made public.
Yes; emails and personally identifying information will be redacted. Campus names/codes will be hashed. Eventually it will be up on the wiki.
Sneak peek at easily chart-able results during the April 30th VE Forum
COLD is not looking for a lengthy report. Rather we will put together a short executive summary of the process and the testing results and the rationale for our eventual decision.
VE Eval:
Post-decision timeline
If we elect to Go, some lead time is required, ballpark of 2 weeks on either side of the decision. (Campuses would still be able to work in VE while Ex Libris does some work, VE would not be ‘frozen’ for those 4 weeks.)