


  • Review Committee Assignments

  • Prep for Open Forum

Discussion topics




Review Committee Assignments

Christian Ward (Unlicensed)

  • The vice-chair role needs to be filled. Duties include:

    • Serve as a backup for the Chair, Assist with running and recording meetings, and serving as chair in the following year

      • The group discussed and voted on the vice-chair position. Ian Chan will be taking over as vice-chair.

Primo VE Open Forum

Christian Ward (Unlicensed) Christine Holmes (Unlicensed) David Walker

  • Review agenda for upcoming July 9th open forum

    • Provide Primo VE Go live dates and overview of the migration process

    • Review the Go Live Checklist

      • Christine will provide an overview of the Go Live Checklist

    • Discuss Norm rule requests and support

      • Christian will communicate with the norm rules task force and confirm the ongoing support model for drool creation and support.

    • Q & A

      • The open forum session will be recorded and made available one the DFC website and to the discovery list.

Meeting Schedule for 2021/22

  • Determine the 2021/22 DFC Meeting Schedule

    • The group discussed the frequency of meeting for the 2021/22 year. We agreed that 2 open form session per term will be helpful in the first year of the Primo VE migration. Those sessions could focus on ongoing training sessions (search profiles, relevancy ranking, UX/UI changes, etc.), as well as providing a way for campuses to express issues so the DFC can provide support.

    • It was also suggested that a special open forum session be offered before Fall term to help campuses review search profiles slots and relevancy ranking.

    • Christian will review the calendar and provide possible DFC meeting and open forum dates, and the group will finalize the dates over email.

Upcoming Priorities

Christian Ward (Unlicensed)

  • Primo VE migration

    • Central package review

      • Christian will check with David Walker about reviewing central package changes. Ian may also be able to help if David needs assistance.

    • Norm Rules

      • Does the task force help individual campuses?

        • The group discussed that ongoing norm rule/drool support will still be handled by the norm rule task force.

      • Decision tree on website to help campuses request drool assistance

      • Less consortial control over norm rules, but still possible

    • Training sessions and online documentation

      • The group liked this idea and agreed to incorporate this into the open forum session throughout the 2021/22 year.

      • The group also discussed the need to archive Primo related content on Confluence to make it easier for users to locate Primo VE information.

    • UI/UX Evaluation

      • The group agreed that this will be a significant priority for the 2021/22 year. Ian recommended that LibIT could be involved in the testing and providing feedback on UX/UI changes.

    • Relevancy ranking

    • Managing Primo VE updates

      • It was suggested that the DFC be involved in providing Primo VE updates to the larger discovery community. While Primo updates occurred quarterly, Primo VE updates are monthly and may be difficult to keep up with. Email to the discovery list may be the best option for providing these updates. Brandon will check with Ex Libris about the status of our sandbox Primo VE environments and if patches will be applied to the sandbox first before moving into production.

      • It was also suggested to list the updates on the wiki and provide a way for campuses to express interest in update items. If enough interest is indicated, a special open forum session could be held to address the changes.

    • Slack vs. Teams

      • Ian mentioned that Slack messages are removed after a period of time. While communication on that platform is heavily used, users with backlogged messages may not see update in that platform. It may be with exploring interest in moving to Teams if campuses have access to the tool. This may be a priority for the 2022/23 year.

Action items



Ian Chan will be serving as the vice-chair for the 2021/22 year.