

Discussion topics






  • October Open Forum (Relevancy Ranking, Unpaywall, and Dedup/FRBR Issues

  • Special session: Indexing ArchiveSpace records in Primo VE

  • Video icon: discussed adding this the DFC site as part of the refresh

Primo/Primo VE Search Scope Examination

Gabriel Gardner

  • Gabriel Gardner and Heather Cribbs have been looking at search scopes in Primo at CSU campuses

  • Results could help inform how to configure Primo VE search scopes.


  • Gabriel presented a preliminary data analysis of Primo usage data for all 24 instances of Primo BO from the years 2017-2019.

    • Results indicate that blended searching and local catalog searching were used most often.

    • Most users did not sign-in

    • Specialized search slots may not be as useful

    • A more detailed analysis will follow, and Gabriel present the findings at the December Discovery Open Forum.

Wiki Page Content Review

Hannah and Julie

  • Identify out-of-date content

  • Recommendations for organization

  • Include a section for icon sets

  • Discovery Group Survey (Christian)


A special thanks to Hannah and Julie for looking at the discovery wiki site and providing input for a new organization. Hannah presented several design layouts for the discovery wiki page. These designs feature either 2 or 3 column layouts and group content by new categories. In addition, a new section for known issues was introduced to help consolidate and inform wiki users on current Primo VE issues. The group discussed the possibility of integrating this into Trello or SalesForce to create a more dynamic list.

The group discussed the the layouts and agreed that a 2-column layout provided better readability and organization options. In addition the group agreed that asking the discovery community for feedback on the new design should be the next step.

Christian and Hannah will work to make the design sample available online and email the discovery listserv for feedback via a Google form.

Discovery and a Primo VE evaluation Slack channel


Do we keep both?


  • The group agreed to remove the Primo VE Evaluation Slack channel.

  • Christian will notify the discovery community of the change and work with David or Brandon to archive the Primo VE Evaluation channel.

  • Going forward, Primo VE related slack messages should be posted to the Discovery channel.

Open Forum Topics



  • The group voted to query the discovery community for the next open forum topics and select the top two topics.

  • Christian will send a message out in the next few weeks and collect the feedback as before.

Updates from Brandon & David

Brandon & David

  • ScholarWorks survey results? (Brandon)

  • Deduping issues related to video and ebooks appearing on the same record (Brandon)

  • Audio/Video resource type communication? (David)

  • CDI Archival Material resource type. Did the records get resolved? (Julie and Brandon)

  • Discovery group satisfaction survey (Brandon)


Brandon provided an overview of the customer satisfaction survey. Each functional committee needs to provide a single survey response that represents the top 5 Primo VE issues within the CSU discovery community of practice.

The group discussed the methods for collecting data for the satisfaction survey and agreed that sending the survey to the discovery listserv, compiling feedback from the group, and ranking the top issues is the best way to gather accurate feedback.

Christine and Christian will work on notifying the discovery list and processing the data. Compiled data will be shared with the discovery group over email.

The deadline to get the DFC survey to Brandon is January 6th.

New Items


Due to time constraints, David’s updates will be moved to the next meeting agenda.