ULMS Discovery : 2023-10-26 Discovery Committee Meeting
Created by Keven Jeffery, last modified on Nov 13, 2023
Keven Jeffery, San Diego
Julie Shen, Pomona
Hannah Lee, Dominguez Hills
Kristi Chavez, Bakersfield
Ken Herold, Los Angeles
Chris Novak, San Francisco
David Walker, Chancellor’s Office
Guest: Christina Hennessey, Chancellor’s Office
Discussion Topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
| New Business/Steering Committee Update/STIM Update | Keven Jeffery (Unlicensed) | 10/20/2023 Steering Committee Notes 9/28/23 Meeting |
| Discovery Testing Update | Hannah Lee (Unlicensed) | |
| Director, Unified Library Management System (ULMS) | Christina Hennessey | David is still the CO contact for this committee Can reach out with discovery related questions, or if not sure who to contact Can provide access to listservs, confluence, or slack Can see all salesforce questions for the CSU, and can look into issues. Is keeping an eye on issues. Can surface issues during monthly EL meeting. What’s new with primo recording will be shared soon. Tech Service open forum is being revived, currently once a month (may increase) Ex Libris Satisfaction survey will be revived - may surface some data issues
CO group is working on strategic planning under the direction of the Chancellor A pop up survey could be placed in the central package Joint task force on data issues being formed
| COLD Strategic Plan | Keven Jeffery (Unlicensed) | COLD is looking to update the Strategic Plan and is looking for input. |
| Data Issues | Keven Jeffery (Unlicensed) | Joint task force with ERM, Resource Management, ILL - Christina will contact Create an overview of the data issues (duplicates, etc) - Survey or Guided Discussion - get input from Christina’s working A pop up survey could be placed in the central package Resource Sharing & ERM have drop in hours Let’s plan on hosting a testing presentation, general presentation, drop in hour
| Primo Mobile Experience | Keven Jeffery (Unlicensed) | EL Cases Support Cases Statistics - Julie Can we get the raw numbers of mobile visits for each campus? Small but significant usage - 10k usage this year from iphone, 3500 from iphone What is happening at other campuses? Chris - campus working on app with immediate information for students (class schedule, prof contact info, assignments) Can STIM surface this information Christina - what information do we want? Devices (mobile and tablet) Screen size Christina will make a dashboard for each campus Christina can get a data overview from ex libris
The mobile experience is important as many students don’t have access to computers, many use phones or ipads Laptop checkout (long term vs short term) STIM is planning to conduct an IT survey, no current information. STIM is also interested in the topic
| Action Items | | Link Jessica’s slides regarding ERM reporting Next meeting about strategic planning - send out the google document to comment on hosting a testing presentation, general presentation, data issues discovery, drop in hour - Week after testing newsletter Campuses should give Christina access to Google Analytics - request during discovery drop-in