Christina Hennessey Christian Ward (Unlicensed)
Kristi Chavez, Shilo Moreno, Robin Guthrie, Ariell A. Lomax, Bianca Baldonado
regrets: Michelle Sharla Navarro, Kyle Tanaka
Discussion items
Item | Who | Notes |
Updates | Christian | 130/245 Title rules testing - Resolved title display issues with “Stalin's Secret Pogrom” example, and determined that the current ULMS rule may need to be adjusted to account for records with 245 and 130 values not caught by the 130 rule. Sacramento is exploring the default title rule, which now accounts for 130 and 245 variations, and is used by many of the CSU campuses. Wiki Update - updated the “Change Request” link text to be “Primo VE Normalization Rule Request”
Norm Rule Walkthrough | All | Christian Ward (Unlicensed) led the group through the process of reading, understanding, and making a norm rule change to the Display Title value. Using the OOTB title rule, the group modified the rules to remove “(Online)” from appearing in the title. A discussion followed on types of transformations, order of rule evaluation, rule evaluation behavior, and conditional criteria. From the discussion, the current ULMS Title rule may need to be modified to accommodate using the 245 when a 130 is present but does not contain one of the previously tested for subfields. Christian Ward (Unlicensed) will investigate further.
DEI Subject Headings | All | Christian Ward (Unlicensed) provided an update on the progress made for DEI Subject Headings. Christina Hennessey compiled a list of campuses that have adopted the ULMS Subject Norm Rule, and only three campuses have not implemented the rule. Christian Ward (Unlicensed) contacted each campus and confirmed they want the rule put in place. Christina Hennesseycan assist campuses by deploying the rule to their institutions. Five campuses use differing versions of the ULMS rule that either omit the GSSO headings or include local customizations. Fifteen campuses are using the ULMS rule and can be updated from the CO. Once the ULMS rule is updated, these campuses can update their rules though an open forum communication. Noncitizens → Undocumented immigrants Children of noncitizens → Children of undocumented immigrants Noncitizen children → Undocumented immigrant children Noncitizens in literature → Undocumented immigrants in literature Women noncitizens → Women undocumented Illegal immigration → Immigration All other COLD recommendations were implemented in the rule except subject headings for Indigenous Californians. COLD asked campuses to discuss and use locally relevant terms in their norm rules, however no campus has added rules for these subjects. A system wide conversation, perhaps accompanied by a subject term request process, could provide a list of Indigenous Californian terms to include in the ULMS subject norm rule. |
Outstanding Items |
Action items
- Google form & Trello Board - How to process norm rule requests?
- Determine if the ULMS Title rule needs a default 245 rule.
- Review the ULMS Subject Norm Rule
- Create new Illegal immigration transformation rule