


Christian Ward (Unlicensed)

Kristi Chavez, Shilo Moreno, Ariell A. Lomax, Robin Guthrie, Michelle Sharla Navarro

regrets: Bianca Baldonado, Christina Hennessey


View Recording

Discussion items






  • eCAUG

    • Norm Rules Office Hours

      • Berkeley &

DEI Subject Headings Norm Rule


Review rule changes

Testing Update

Testing Notes

  • I think the update did fix the rule for:

    • "Noncitizens in literature"

    • Aliens --> Noncitizens  (Note: some transformations have noncitizens as plural, like in "Noncitizens criminals")

  • What is still working is the transformation of "illegal immigration" to "immigration".

  • What is not working now is:

    • When "illegal immigration" is present, "noncitizen" displays and is not being transformed to "undocumented immigrant."


The group reviewed the new norm rule changes 4.2, specifically:

  • When "illegal immigration" is present, "noncitizen" displays and is not being transformed to "undocumented immigrant."

Christian noted a limitation with the norm rule processing: we are unable to check all the fields for a value before applying a transformation for a specific values. For example, we can’t transform data if ANY field contains “Illegal immigration” because the norm rule process works on each field one-at-a-time. A field would need to contain both “Illegal immigration” and the additional terms to transform in order to be evaluated by the norm rule. Christian will ask Ex Libris if there's a way to select ANY 650 with “Illegal immigration.”

Christian provided a overview of how to hide subject terms from facets and full records using he DEI terms option (Configuration->Discovery->Other->DEI Subjects to Exclude. This is what SUNY did to hide subjects with “Aliens.”

OOTB Search Index


Discuss planned functionality for modifying the OOTB search indexes in Primo VE

Ex Libris indicated that allowing customers to modify/extend the out-of-the-box (OOTB) search indexes has been delayed a year. It will go on the development plan next year and should provide campuses a way to include transformed terms into their subject searches.

Outstanding Items

  • Norm Rule Request Form - Need access

  • Trello - Need access

  • Genre facet & Audience facet - The group will discuss this at the next meeting.

Action items

  • Explore a new way handle norm rule requests
  • Ask Ex Libris about norm rule conditional checks. Can all fields be searched for a term, then transformations applied?
  • Review Genre and Audience norm rule request
  • Review CO provided projects



Subject Norm Rule Testing 100924.pdf (application/pdf)
DRAFT - Subject Norm Rule V3.txt (text/plain)
image-20191106-165007.png (image/png)
image-20191106-165013.png (image/png)
DRAFT - Subject Norm Rule V4.2.txt (text/plain)
Subject Norm Rule Testing 092624.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)