In a recent Primo VE update, the advanced search visibility was change to automatically collapse the search box after a search is conducted. There are no configurable options in Alma to control the advanced search collapse/expand behavior, but CSS can be used to force the advanced search form to alway display expand.

Add the following code to the css/custom1.css file in your view customization package. Upload the modified customization package to Alma, and reload the advanced search in a browser.

  min-height: 700px;
  overflow: auto;

@media (min-width: 600px) {
  #advancedSearchTabs {
     min-height: 400px;

.string-block .animate-scale .middle {
  display: none
.collapsed-area .layout-wrap .layout-align-space-between-center .layout-row {
  display: none;

prm-advanced-search * > button.collapsed-button * > md-icon {
  display: none;