In Primo VE, the default Discovery Network search profile (DN) searches for electronic, digital, and physical resources at member institutions. Previously in Primo, the All CSU search scope was configured to only include physical resources from member institutions. To recreate this functionality within Primo VE, use ONE of the following Methods:
Configuration → Discovery → Search Configuration → Search Profiles
Method 1
Create two Custom Local Data Scopes
NZ_phys - Scope Population is "Entire Network" and Condition is "Available Physical = Exists"
(optional) add a condition to show ScholarWorks records: Condition is “OR Other Institution External Data Source = CSU ScholarWorks”
Local e-resources - Scope Population is "My Institution" and Condition is "Available Electronic = Exists"
Create a new search profile labeled "Everything" or similar
Add the two custom scope you created above
Add the Central Index Scope, with Filter By Availability checked (checking this is only for those institutions who use "expand my results")
Add this search profile to your Main View and make it active
Note: deactivate other search profiles currently active if needed. With this method, only electronic and physical resources will display for your institution. To show all local record types (physical, electronic, digital, etc) use method 2.
Method 2
Create three Custom Local Data Scopes
Other_CSU_Physical - Scope Population is "Entire Network" and Condition is "Available Physical = Exists" and “Other Institution != Your Campus Code”
(optional) add a condition to show ScholarWorks records: Condition is “OR Other Institution External Data Source = CSU ScholarWorks”
(optional) All_CSU_Physical - Scope Population is "Entire Network" and Condition is "Available Physical = Exists"
(optional) add a condition to show ScholarWorks records: Condition is “OR Other Institution External Data Source = CSU ScholarWorks”
My_Library - Scope Population is “My Institution” and Condition is “Available Physical = Exists” OR “Available Electronic = Exists” OR “Available Digital = Exists”
Create a new search profile labeled "Everything" or similar
Add the Other_CSU_Physical custom scope you created above
Add the Central Index Scope, with Filter By Availability checked (checking this is only for those institutions who use "expand my results")
Add your My_Library custom scope you created above
Create/modify search scope for All CSU (optional)
Add the All_CSU_Physical custom scope you created above
Add these search profiles to your Main View and make it active
Note: adding multiple search profiles with overlapping records is not allowed in Primo VE. Thus, the Other_CSU_Physical scope excludes your local institution records. If you do not have the All CSU search scope active, the setup for the All_CSU_Physical search profile can be skipped.