- Christina Mune (Unlicensed), San Jose (Chair)
- Elizabeth Altman (Unlicensed), Northridge
- Mike DeMars (Unlicensed), Fullerton
- Keven Jeffery (Unlicensed), San Diego
Task Forces
- Outreach Task Force
- Results Boosting & FRBR
- Third Party Integration Task Force
- UX Best Practices Task Force
Primo Functional Calls & Training
Primo Instances (Production and Sandboxes)
Work Group Goals
- Determine necessary scopes and facets for the consortia. Create templates for institutional setup and display of scopes and facets.
- Determine what, if any, additional fields from the PNX (Primo Normalization Record) we want to add to the Details tab consortially. Create templates for setting up local display fields in the Details tab.
- Create templates for HTML/CSS customization at the institutional level.
- Review results boosting options to optimize search results, gather preferences from institutions to set consortia boosting. Determine workflows and best practices for boosting at institution level.
- Determine which additional fields to add to the Advanced Search interface. Create templates for set up of Advanced Search at institution level.
Additional priorities to be worked on later in the process and/or with other groups:
- Create teaching guide for Primo using Ex Libris resources for librarians, faculty, and students users.
- Determine workflows and best practices for common 3rd party integrations, such as LibGuides.
- Determine workflows and best practices for Primo integrations into LMS/CMS applications.
Discovery Goals 2017
- Test normalization rules for each campus
- Get Trello normalization and boosting request boards up and shared
- Test resource facets, assure book/ebook split is working normally for all campuses
- Create github repo for CSU Primo
- Get CSU angular development group up and running
- Map of location
- Complete UX testing
- Share UX testing results to discovery
- Set up best practice documents for interface config based on testing
- Schedule and hold 6 (or more) Primo training webinars beginning Feb 2017
- Sandboxes
- Views
- Boosting
- Analytics
- Define 3rd party integration priorities and timeline
- Develop best practices for the following integrations:
- Chat Widgets {Libguides; LibraryHelp; QuestionPoint}
- Book Covers {Syndetics; Amazon; Google}
- Readings Lists {Leganto, Sipx -- the Systems Integration Task Force is working on a reading list utility}
- LMS {Canvas; Moodle; Blackboard}
- Libguides
- ASRS (stored) request workflow
- Harvest and normalization data from:
- IR
- ContentDM
- DSpace (Fedora)
- Digital Commons
01CALS Primo URLs.xlsx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet)