ULMS Discovery : Discovery Open Forum - 2023-02-24

(blue star) Date

, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Meeting Info

Removed after meeting


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(blue star) Discussion topics





1:03 pm

Primo VE Usage Survey Report 

Ian Chan (Unlicensed)


  • Goal: gather input of how VE compares to BO

    • Oct-Nov 2022 opened

    • Each question had optional comment section

  • Four focused areas

    • Front end user interface

      • 3.32/5

      • Highlights: improvement over BO; Some issues with local-only scope and issues from Rapido persist

      • Specific suggestions: Link for paying late fees, multiple copies, and other suggestions included

    • Discovery management in Alma

      • 3.59/5

      • Highlights: easier than BO; indexing and other elements still not intuitive

    • Searching

      • 3.8/5

      • Highlights: Rapido; major CDI/GTI issues

    • Analytics

      • 3.125/5

      • Highlights: still difficult to use; lack of documentation and potentially bad data

    • Other Comments indicate that VE as a whole (and Ex Libris) is lacking

  • No questions from attendees

  • DFC to make suggestions and recommendations based on responses

1:13 PM

Secondary resource types (in collaboration with the Resource Management Committee)

Jill Strykowski (Unlicensed)

brandon dudley (Unlicensed)

  • Gives flexibility to use MARC fixed field for indicators for materials types > additional filters

  • This was a feature used for government documents (in BO) and made as an enhancement a few months ago

  • Sent out survey (n = 12)

    • 100% wants government documents

      • Also n=10 video records; n=10 theses based on MARC 008; n=8 Comics/graphic novels; n=8 k-12 juvenile materials

        • Theses/dissertations not consistent

      • Brandon and Jill to discuss moving forward on non-government document types

        • However it’s implemented, the desired impact on IZ level needs consideration and with minimal (no) conflicts

        • Only control with things with MARC records (no CDI, CZ, etc.)

      • Start with Government Documents, address other secondary types later

        • Also needs to explore how flexible processes is (video recording document type would be a good test case)

        • Still unclear from documentation on Main vs Secondary resource types displayed

  • Question: Can you still vote on this? Yes. Survey here https://forms.gle/wf7DzZKhffbKS1s26

  • Question: will this allow for additional facets? It should have the secondary resource type appear in same facet as primary. Still need to figure out what’s displayed in the brief results vs the facets and where Primo is drawing that information from.

1:28 pm

Primo UX studies

Keven Jeffery (Unlicensed)

Discovery Studies

  • Previously put a call asking for any UI/UX studies (see link above)

    • Send any studies to the Discovery committee to add to Confluence

    • Also add any studies currently in progress

1:30 pm

February Release

Hannah Lee (Unlicensed)

Primo VE Releases

  • No major changes

  • The committee recommends you do not implement the country field in user accounts (information should not be edited by patrons)

  • Optional changes

    • “Starts with” for call numbers (e.g. PN) - implementation is simple, requires two changes

    • Barcode Search - currently restricted to Alma. Contentious topic on listserv as it affects the expand arrow for advanced search placement. Includes a permalink format for barcodes. Simple to implement, check box in the views.

    • Booking Request Form - Can book items or study rooms for a specific period. The testing group has not seen it utilized yet within the CSU, but are interested to see it working (let Hannah know if you are using it!).

    • Search Results Per Page - Now has a second pull down at the top of search. If you are signed in it will be persistent.

    • Search Within Favorites - A “string search” is now available for favorites - will search for the exact string of characters.

    • Alignment of local resource types with the CDI - have changed web sites to “web resources.” You will want to exclude web resources from resource sharing.

  • Question: Is call number contained or “starts with?” It is starts with. Does it work? Yes, but report any issues to the Testing Committee

  • Question: With call numbers are you able to limit by facet to location? Yes

  • Question: With call numbers, can you provide a longer segment of a call number? Yes (spacing doesn’t matter)

1:40 pm

Upcoming meetings with Ex Libris

brandon dudley (Unlicensed)

  • Based on satisfaction survey (Fall, Winter 2022)

    • Ex Libris responded with series of meetings based on issues (e.g., functional areas, themes, etc)

    • Starts next week

    • Data excellent meeting - Discovery part on record display and indexes

    • Approx. 35 people attending meetings with Ex Libris, talking about impact of issues, and subsequent meetings on howo they will address issues

  • Other tracks: Rapido, Analytics, Alma (regarding more UI issues), and resource sharing. Also separate meeting on just customer support. Additional track on Primo issues not related to index or record display

    • Will emphasize indexing issue a major issue and may have impact later when thinking future RFPs

  • Question: if another system is considered, how will it be funded? Answer: we’ll need to cross that bridge later. RFP will give chance to recalibrate. Current contract ends 2030

1:50 pm

Primo Need Help button

Hannah Lee (Unlicensed)

  • Widget allowing a feedback button to be added to the bottom right of Primo, can be used to collect all manner of feedback (problematic terms or record issues).

  • CO is working on other issues, and this will take coordination with campuses to add to the Central Package theme. Adding this feature is still pending.

  • Issue in that most campuses have a LibChat widget, or some other feedback mechanism located in the same area. The placement of the “Need Help Button” is not flexible. Would allow patrons to find help in one area.

  • Testing Committee is seeking feedback on whether this is of interest to campuses

  • Feedback: Like what we have now. It’s redundant. Suggestion that the location of the current “Report a Problem” link could be placed elsewhere on the record.

FYI Only

Primo Known Issues Updates


Unable to print records in OneSearch

  • Need to use native print button/option in OneSearch to print full records

    • Blank page when attempting to use browser to print a record (i.e., cmmd + p or Ctrl + p)

    • Still able to print brief results

(blue star) Action items


(blue star) Decisions
