ULMS Discovery : Discovery Open Forum 2019-11-20 Meeting notes



Discussion topics






Welcome / Agenda

Gabriel Gardner

Testing Schedule

Need for testers

David Walker

Current version of the Central Package goes into production 2019/11/20.

  • Course icon will be removed. It was showing erroneously based on if any campus had a title associated with a course, rather than for specific campuses.

  • Custom Uresolver updated with latest bug fixes. Now available for testing on production, see below.

Anyone is welcome to look at the Trello board.

Primo View Creation

Ian Chan

For testing the new Uresolver, the view code should begin with your production view code. e.g. 01CALS_USM_DEV

To see what a view looks like without any local or central package customization, add noCustomization=true to the URL.

Modify your local package to include the new Uresolver. Then upload the customization to the _DEV view. See recording for details. Instructions for activating the custom Uresolver are at: Central Package optional features

Detailed testing plan

Zach Williams

Testing plan available at: Custom UResolver testing

Error reporting form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSePXw3CbiSHiYVC1YQTbWG4vM3YeuBzygPLTNt7uf4zNZsTwQ/viewform

Take care to report issues one at a time. Bundling issues in one report complicates the workflow.

Requested enhancements are also welcome to be submitted through the error report form.

Citation Styles question

Dave Walker

The OOTB Primo citation styles do not always reflect the most recent version of Citation Style Language rules. Ex Libris updates things on their quarterly Primo releases.

New CSL options can be added at the Campus or the Installation level.

Dave has asked if there are any objections to updating Chicago (and others?) to the most recent version at the Installation level (i.e. for all campuses).

Future Open Forum topics

Gabriel Gardner



  • CO will update Installation-level Citation Style Language rules to reflect the most recent versions as of Nov. 2019, rather than wait for the Ex Libris quarterly update.
  • Discovery leads at each campus are encouraged to create a new production Primo view with the custom Uresolver activated in their local JS/CSS custom Primo package.


Stream: (slow, from Sharepoint) https://csulb-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/gabriel_gardner_csulb_edu/EX9qUgaNCGBPlQkCvRFeYycBev8HTmf_VQMEImmnUGkJxg?e=tpcKae