Records from the Institution Zone that only contain a $$9LOCAL field without the accompanying $$A<institution_code> will not show local fields in Primo.
Primo checks for both the $$9 and the $$A, and when it doesn’t see both of them, the entire field is ignored.
Ex Libris advice
The best practice is to have all bib records in the Network Zone, unless they don’t have OCLC numbers or they are equipment records such as laptops and the like.
There are a couple of options each site can use to resolve missing local fields in Primo:
As long as the record has an OCLC number, a set can be created of IZ records with $9LOCAL and these records can be linked to the NZ using the “Link a set of records to the NZ” job
– OR –Add $$A<institution_code> to each field in the IZ record containing a $$9LOCAL by writing an Alma normalization rule
For either option the relevant set can be created with the following parameters:
Bib record is linked = no
Contains $9LOCAL
Procedure for adding the subfield A
San Marcos has developed a procedure for this. See
Special Treatment of Local Fields in IZ records not linked to NZ.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)