ULMS Discovery : Hide Links in the Links Section of Full Record Details

On the full record display, the links section can contain many 856 links that institutions may not want to show. Because Primo VE does not have a built-in mechanism for configuring which links to hide or display, the best solution is to do this using your local customization package.

The Central Package has code that hides unwanted links. To enable that, simply define an application value called ‘linksToKeep’ in your local package.

Add the following code to the js/custom1.js file in your local customization package, changing the values to include the display text for those links you want to show. Any link that does not match the list of approved values will be hidden.

NOTE: You don’t need to include the link to source record, as that is always included. The values are expressed in a Javascript Array, so be careful to follow that syntax. Also make sure to include this code BEFORE the final })(); tags.

// 856 links to display
app.value('linksToKeep', [
  "This item in Worldcat",
  "Report a Problem",
  "Search Google Scholar for this item",
  "Need Help? Ask Us"

After you are done, upload the new configuration package to your desired view and save/publish the changes.

Hiding the links section completely (Optional)

  1. Modify the css/custom1.css file in your desired Primo VE view configuration package. Add the following code:

    Note: you do not need to include the above mentioned JavaScript if you want to hide the links section.

    /* Hide Links Section */
    #links { display: none; }

  2. Upload the new configuration package to your desired view and save/publish the changes.