Request deadlineMar 5, 2018
Sandbox (testing) releaseMar 12, 2018
Comment deadlineMar 23, 2018
Production renorm startMar 29, 2018
Production renorm finishApril 2, 2018


Change # refers to corresponding card # on the Trello Board.


  • Gap in change numbers between 42-82 due to a spate of erroneous requests. 


ChangeDescriptionExamplesImplementation notes
XCall number browseUpdated to address SalesForce case
Browse lists mapping table has been updated with certain routines disabled
XCreator / contributor relator termsSome records include relator terms (e.g., author, illustrator, director, etc.) in $e of the 1XX and 7XX fields, while others do not.  This creates a situations where creator and contributor lateral links only bring back a subset of all records.  Removing $e from the lateral link search brings back all records.Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince (sandbox)Display for 1XX and 7XX fields includes $e, while search does not.  Using $$Q method.
39'Related works' lateral link

If 700, 710, 711 has second indicator blank and includes subfield $t, and 730 and 740 has second indicator blank, this field should be mapped to display label: Related titles (or Related works).

Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince (sandbox)Implemented as lds35.  Will need to include this in each campus' full record display view list.  Display includes $i for 700, 710, 711, and 730 (not 740), but lateral link executes search without subfield i.  Search index (lsr35) includes afore mentioned fields plus main title index. Using $$Q method.
39b'Includes' title lateral linkIf 700, 710, 711, 730, 740 second indicator equals 2. These should be mapped to display label: IncludesHarry Potter and the Half-blood Prince (sandbox)Implemented as lds36.  Will need to include this in each campus' full record display view list.  Display includes $i for 700, 710, 711, and 730 (not 740), but lateral link executes search without subfield i.  Search index (lsr36) includes afore mentioned fields plus main title index. Using $$Q method.
42aRemove unwanted subject headings in display & facetsGoal to bring the normalization rules into alignment with ULMS policies.
Removed rules for 648, 653, 654, 656, 657, 658 & 692.
42bBring subject facets and browse into alignment with displayNot done during migration and implementation
Only done for facets.  Waiting on ExL support to address problem with editing subject browse normalization rules.
82, 83Remove trailing bracket on 260 and 264Occurs when there is more than one punctuation at the end of the publication date, such as right bracket and period.The Seven Deadly Sins of Psychology (prod)Added second pass on removing punctuation.
84Remove unwanted genre links in display & facetsGoal to bring the normalization rules into alignment with ULMS policies.
Only include 655 _7
85Add 500 to general searchMissingSearch: "a conversation with director/writer Kenneth Lonergan" (sandbox)500 added
86Add 961 to series linkMIssingThe Right Unmasked (sandbox)961 added to lds33/lsr33