This document describes how to perform a renormalization (renorm) in the Primo Back Office. (Although this task is performed centrally and by a few people, I thought it would be good to have the procedures documented.)

The purpose of a renorm is to implement updates to Primo normalization rules that transform Marc bibliographic data into PNX (Primo normalized XML). Primo norm rules can be used to display and index Marc fields for discovery. (For example, the CSU system uses norm rules to index and display Library of Congress subject headings in Primo.)

New and updated norm rules are implemented in the sandbox back office and tested in the sandbox instances of Primo. 

The renorm process involves exporting norm rules from the sandbox into production. In the production back office, deploying the norm rules, temporarily disabling scheduled tasks, running a renorm pipe, running a dedupe/frbr pipe, and running the indexing and hotswapping process. The entire process can take between 68 to 95 hours or 2.8 to 4.0 days. During this process, pipes from Alma or institutional repositories into Primo will be temporarily suspended. This means that no new or updated records from Alma will be indexed during a renorm. After the renorm is finished, the pipes will be enabled and the indexing of Alma records will resume.

The procedures are provided below, with links to the google doc and pdf version. 

link to google doc