ULMS Discovery : Setting up a single search for everything

Primo - setting up a single search for everything

Posted by Nikki DeMoville on Feb 16

Nikki DeMoville


At Cal Poly SLO, we're considering reconfiguring our main Primo search tab to search our local collections, the CSU collections, and PCI.  I'm still learning the language of Primo, so forgive me if I don't get the terminology quite right, but this is our current set-up:

  • Two tabs--"Library Resources" and "Course Reserves"
  • Library Resources has two scopes:  Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Collection (local resources + PCI) and California State University Collections; each scope shows up as a separate dropdown choice

Initial testing feedback showed that our users found it confusing to have to choose a different dropdown in order to search the CSU collection.  We have been considering setting up the Library Resources tab so that it searches both scopes (Cal Poly and CSU) plus the PCI all at once, without the separate dropdowns.

Can you advise me on how to set up this single search?  Also, would it be possible to set it up as its own tab (in addition to our current configuration) so we can test the different results sets to be sure we like it, and then remove whichever config we decide we don't want?

Our current scope list looks like this, so I'm hesitant to mess with it without a little more information on how these all interact:

  • Name                     Description                                                  Search Type
  • EVERYTHING         Everything                                                     Both
  • 01CALS_PSU_CR    Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Course Reserves   Local

  • 01CALS                  California State University Collections          Local
  • 01CALS_PSU          Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Collection            Local

  • PRIMO_CENTRAL   Primo Central                                               Remote

  • default_scope        Entire Local Repository                                 Local

Thanks for your help.


Jim LeFager

Jim LeFager 
Hi Nikki, 

I can help you setup the single search scope, but when you do I would advise to look closely at the results since you will be blending the scopes.  This will have a fairly large impact on the display of locations to the user and would give inconsistent results in the View it/Get it areas too.  The results would be correct, but may be confusing to the user. 

In order to do set this up, you would just need to add the CSU values to the EVERYTHING scope. 

On the Search Scope List, click to edit the Everything Scope.  Add the following Search Scope Values by checking the boxes next to them:

  • D-01CALS_PSU
  • E-01CALS_PSU

These will in addition to the already existing selected Scopes

  • institution 01CALS_PSU
  • Primo Central

You would then select "Save and Continue". 

Moving next to the Tabs configuration of the Views Wizard, click edit on Tab 1, everything/Library Resources.  You would then delete the 01CALS scope from the tab and click Save and Continue.  

Lastly you will need to click through the rest of the Views Wizard and select Deploy.  

This is a fairly quick change that can be changed back just as easily as well.  One suggestion might be to try this setup on the Sandbox environment and compare it against the Production environment since these environments are now in sync. 

Thanks and let me know if there are questions, 


Nikki DeMoville

Nikki DeMoville 
Hi Jim,

Thank you very much for the clear instructions!  I am planning to try this in the sandbox as you suggested, so we can directly compare results to the current production environment.  

However, I thought I should do a comparison search first as a baseline before I do any tinkering, and I got quite different results in the two environments -- both in the number of results and the order of presentation -- in both the Cal Poly scope and the CSU scope.  Please see attached screenshots and links.




Can you explain why this would happen?  I want to be sure I understand the current results before I make changes that will affect them.



SLO Primo production search results.jpg

SLO Primo sandbox search results.jpg

SLO Primo production CSU tab search results.jpg

SLO Primo sandbox CSU tab search results.jpg

Jim LeFager

Jim LeFager 
Hi Nikki, 

In the sandbox environments, we only load a subset of the records, ~100k, but a little less.  This is a major contributing factor to the difference you are seeing in results, both the number and presentation. 

We tried to set up a subset of records for each institution when we first loaded the sandbox, and it is based on recent records -- which is why you are seeing results from 2014 and up in the sandbox.  

Let me know if you have other questions, 



Nikki DeMoville

Nikki DeMoville 
Hi Jim,

Ah, that explains it.  Thanks for the clarification.  Before I make the change, I'll develop some test searches that minimize the difference.



Jim LeFager

Jim LeFager 
Hi Nikki, 

One clarification.  I misspoke earlier.  The sandbox has ~20K records per institution, and a total of ~400K records overall in the sandbox across all institutions.  



Nikki DeMoville

Nikki DeMoville

Nikki DeMoville 
Hi Jim and Lynn,

I configured the blended scope exactly as instructed, and deployed it in the sandbox and in a new view in production:


However, now Check for availability results come out blank when I click into them.  I don't see this behavior in our regular view with the non-blended scope.  Did I miss a step somewhere?



Primo avail blended.jpg


Primo avail non-blended.jpg


Primo blended everything tab.jpg


Primo blended scope.jpg


Nikki DeMoville

Nikki DeMoville 

I don't know if it helps, but when I examine the elements, I see the following difference:

Original scope and view:
<span class="availability-status does_not_exist_in_my_institution_available" translate="delivery.code.does_not_exist_in_my_institution_available" translate-values="$ctrl.getPlaceHolders($ctrl.result)" (click)="$ctrl.handleAvailability($index, $event);" translate-compile="" style="">
    <span>Available at </span>
    <span class="best-location-organization locations-link">
        ::before == $0

New blended scope and view:
<span class="availability-status does_not_exist_in_my_institution_available" translate="delivery.code.does_not_exist_in_my_institution_available" translate-values="$ctrl.getPlaceHolders($ctrl.result)" (click)="$ctrl.handleAvailability($index, $event);" translate-compile="" style="">
    <span>Available at </span>
    <span class="best-location-organization locations-link">
        ::before == $0

I tried creating a new blended scope in the sandbox, incorporating 01CALS_PSU, CALS-PRINT, D-01CALS_PSU, and E-01CALS_PSU, and ended up with the same blank availability problem.  When I revert to the original configuration (split scopes), the problem goes away.  Only availability at other CSUs seems to be affected--if an item is checked out from Cal Poly, that displays correctly.

I've created a view in the sandbox that contains both the blended scope and the split scopes, so it's easy to toggle back and forth and see the difference.


Any help appreciated--this is driving me crazy!



Jim LeFager

Jim LeFager 
Hi Nikki, 

Apologies that is this frustrating.  This looks to be tied to the availability status codes and I am looking into this further.  

I'll let you know what I find. 



Nikki DeMoville

Nikki DeMoville 
Hi Jim,

I wondered if it might be something like that.  Sorry to sound so frustrated.  I do appreciate your help!



Nikki DeMoville

Nikki DeMoville 

I just wanted to add that I've got a related problem in a different view.  I built a scope for our Special Collections library (01CALS_PSU_SCA) and created a new view (01CALS_PSU_SpecColl) with a tab containing the new scope plus the Cal Poly SLO collection scope (01CALS_PSU).  


This is working just as I want it to, except for availability.  It displays accurately in the main results page, but when I view the full result page, it re-checks availability and then goes blank.

I'm including a little video clip of it happening.



Primo SpecColl view available vanishes.mp4


Jim LeFager

Jim LeFager 
Hi Nikki, 

Thanks for the video. I can see this happening in your view as well. I updated your scope that you created from being a library, to a collection.  You would only set the scope to library if it was a valid library code.  

If you try searching in the View again you should see that the availability is now retained. 

Scopes in Primo

Let me know if you have other questions, 



Nikki DeMoville

Nikki DeMoville 
Hi Jim,

Thanks for looking at this.  I do have a few questions:

  • The new scope is working in production since you made the change.  However, the same scope (still set as Library) in the sandbox is now ALSO working.  I'm puzzled by this.
  • Could you explain the difference between Collection scopes and Library scopes?  The documentation doesn't say what the difference is, and I would like to understand this better.  I did use a valid library code (it wouldn't let me proceed without it)--our Special Collections is set up as a separate library.
  • The blended Cal Poly + CSU scopes I set up for production and sandbox still have the problem of displaying "Available at [blank]" or "Checked out at [blank]" when titles are held at other campuses.  Is this a separate issue?



Nikki DeMoville

Nikki DeMoville 
Hi Jim,

I've got one more view question or problem.

When we search our test view using the blended scope (vid=01CALS_PSU_blended), when we click on a bX result, it switches to our default view (vid=01CALS_PSU). This has several unfortunate effects:  it switches views, it displays the landing page instead of the bX result, and the user appears to be signed out in the new tab (actually the user is just not signed into the view now presented--clicking on the old tab reveals that the user is still signed into the previous view).

I'm hoping this is just a configuration I need to fix for the new view.  If not, I'm wondering if there's a way to keep this from happening with any other views we configure, or if we'll need to exclude PCI results from all but the main view if we want to use bX (which seems a rather extreme workaround).

Thanks, as always, for your help!


Primo blended view bX switches views.mp4

Jim LeFager

Jim LeFager 
Hi Nikki, 

Regarding the difference between the sandbox and the production environment with the views, can you open a  SalesForce case on this so I can investigate further?  

The Library and Collection scopes are very similar and we do have some additional documentation on how they can be used in our Knowledge Center

A Library type scope could be comprised of one or more data sources (OAI repository, ILS data, etc.) and/or collections, all of which are linked to the same institution and library. 

The Collection scope is used for more of a specific collection or subject

The blended scopes showing a blank "Available At" is a separate issue that we are looking into.  Would you be able to open a separate SalesForce Case for this as well?  


Regarding the bX results that you showed a video for I am unable to recreate this in either your Sandbox or Production environment.  Can you tell me what browser you are using?    I tested this both as a signed in user and as an anonymous user.  When you select one of the links from the bX this is an openurl link that uses the services page view to display the content in a new window.  I've include a screenshot showing how this displays in this view.  There is no navigation on this page other than the logo link.  

Can you try it again and let me know if this is still happening, and which browser you are using? 



Nikki DeMoville

Nikki DeMoville 
Hi Jim,

Thanks for the link.  I'll submit the Salesforce cases today.

Regarding the views issue, I tried it in Chrome, Firefox, and MS Edge, and 3 other users have reported the same issue. If you take a close look at the URL in your example, unless something is really different in your environment, I think you'll see that when you clicked into that article, the vid changed from 01CALS_PSU_blended to 01CALS_PSU.  For users who aren't signed in, the new tab just changes the view and they may not notice; signed in users appear to have been signed out, as they aren't signed in for the view they've been switched to.

I've just realized in testing that the same thing happens when opening any services page.  We first noticed it with bX because there's more detail in that tab, but I see now that the same thing happens in a uresolver tab.  So I guess the question might really be:  Is there a way to make sure that any services tabs our users open are also in the view they are currently using?  If not, is there a workaround?

Here are URL snippets showing the change--starting at the first URL and clicking the first bX result opens a new tab displaying that result in a different view.  This is expected behavior except for the change in view. 



Here you start at an article and click the Link to Online Resource:





Jim LeFager

Jim LeFager 
Hi Nikki, 

When I access Primo, I am not using any system other than a browser, so there are no special tools involved.  
I created a screencast, showing the behavior I am seeing. 

When I click on a bX recommendation I am taken to an article detail screen using the Service Page, and this is the expected behavior.  What concerns me the most would be if you do not see this behavior.  

The view code in the open url call uses the Services Page.  As you can in the video, there is a parameter involved == isServicesPage=True.  This Services page is used by all views, and would list the View Code as you see it.  You will also see that the Services Page opens in a new page, and does not contain any navigation.  

I think of greatest importance at this point is to confirm that the article links from bX are opening in a service and resolving to show the article.  Can you let me know if this is happening?  





Nikki DeMovilleNikki DeMoville 
Hi Jim,

I think you've hit the problem right here:

I think of greatest importance at this point is to confirm that the article links from bX are opening in a service and resolving to show the article.  Can you let me know if this is happening? 

The bX article links open in a service and resolve to show the article under these conditions:

  • 01CALS_PSU not signed in
  • 01CALS_PSU signed in
  • 01CALS_PSU_blended not signed in

However, under this condition:  

  • 01CALS_PSU_blended signed in

The bX article link opens a new Primo search tab (as though "Library Search" had been clicked) in the 01CALS_PSU view.  The user ends up with two Primo search tabs open in the browser:

  • 01CALS_PSU_blended, signed in, still at the full display
  • 01CALS_PSU not signed in, no search results, at landing page (this is the active tab)

If the user continues their search from the fresh search page displayed in the active tab, they do so in the 01CALS_PSU view.

If I'm understanding you correctly, all views use the same services page, which is in the default 01CALS_PSU view, but this shouldn't be a problem because users would not normally be able to do anything from that page except click through to the full text or select other bX results.

So I think the problem actually is confined to the case where the user is signed in to a different view and clicking the bX result causes the unexpected behavior of opening a new Primo search tab instead of displaying the article result.  I'm attaching a video clip of that specific behavior here.

Thanks for helping us work through this.


Primo blended view switch when signed in.mp4


Jim LeFager

Jim LeFager 
Hi Nikki, 

Ok, I think we are getting somewhere and thank you for the additional example.    I tested this when signed in using the Alma credentials, and was able to resolve to the article.  This leads me to believe this might be more tied to authentication then to the views and bX itself.  

I'm going to do a little more investigation and will report back once I have some more information. 



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