ULMS Policies : Managing E-Collections in Alma: CZ vs Vendor-Provided Bibliographic Records

Document status


Area covered

cataloging, electronic resources management

Prepared by

Cataloging Task Force

ERM Task Force


ULMS TS Working Group Leads


Policy governing electronic resources, including e-book titles and packages, acquired as part of electronic core collection (ECC), opt-in, and general local packages purchased and managed as a collection.

Policy Statement

CSU Libraries should manage e-collections via the CZ, if available, irrespective of fullness of records (i.e., quality of the metadata) in lieu of loading vendor-provided bibliographic records in the NZ. Vendor records for e-collections should not be loaded in the NZ.


The use of the CZ is to avoid duplication of records in the NZ and to create a collaborative effort throughout the CSU. CSU Libraries can, then, pressure ExL to have them improve metadata for e-book collections in CZ.

Some advantages:

  • Efficiencies in centralizing management of e-resources through the CZ;

  • Economies of scale (save labor for libraries!);

  • Consistent approach;

  • Potential for better and more complete data available when assessing the CSU’s overall e-collections.

Some disadvantages:

  • Impact to discovery: The quality of the metadata for e-book records from the CZ may negatively impact resource discovery;

  • Completeness of packages and frequency of updates of CZ collections may be a problem.

Some Considerations

Note that Alma is not the only source of metadata for e-books and streaming media; Primo Central also indexes metadata. Records must be searched and tested in Primo--beyond Alma, due to Primo Central indexes. If a library chooses to load records to the IZ, then consider contributing collection to the CZ.  However, if a library uses vendor records, sharing of records in the CZ is dependent upon agreement with vendor.

Future Directions

Policy will be evaluated post-implementation. Technical Services Leads, along with ERM and Cataloging task forces, will work with the Discovery Group to re-evaluate CZ collections and impact to discovery.

Action log


Point Person

Expected Completion Date

Last action taken

Next action required

Articulate the need for the policy

ERM Task Force & Cataloging Task Force


Identified need for policy to eliminate duplication of records in NZ and foster collaboration within CSU. Draft presented to TS Working Group on March 1, 2017.

 Sent to the ULMS Implementation Team.

Revised Policy Statement

Cataloging Task Force and ERM Task Force


Based on input from ULMS Implementation Team, policy was revised. Revised version distributed and presented to TS Working Group.

Policy approved. Future revisions pending final workflows for cataloging and management of single e-book titles.

Identify and create procedures

Cataloging Task Force and ERM Task Force

Procedures being drafted.