Policies (Revised)
Bibliographic Record Policies | Description |
Bibliographic Utility (approved) | Requires use of OCLC as the common bibliographic utility to ensure that the records of CSU libraries can be merged and maintained with greater ease in a shared environment. |
Cataloging at the WorldCat Level (approved) | Requires cataloging at the WorldCat level. Due to the technical architecture of the Alma NZ, changes must be entered into the WorldCat bibliographic record or they will be lost when the Alma record is overlaid. |
Alma Network Zone (approved) | Policy sets outs principles regarding working in the Network Zone that CSU libraries must follow (NZ as the shared bibliographic environment, avoid adding duplicate records, and types of records to be excluded from NZ). |
Floor Bibliographic Standards (approved) | The purpose of a floor standard for bibliographic records is to specify minimum standards for completeness, providing CSU libraries expectations on quality and reducing the need for editing and re-editing of records. |
Single vs. Separate Records (approved) | Mandates the use of separate bibliographic records for each format of a single title (print vs. electronic). Libraries are not required to convert migrated records using single-record approach. |
Overlaying Bibliographic Records in Alma (approved) | Policy and methods for replacing (overlaying) individual bibliographic records in Alma with records exported from OCLC Connexion client or brought into the Network Zone (NZ) from daily OCLC loads. |
Overlaying Brief Bibliographic Records in the Network Zone (approved) | Policy ensures CSU libraries do not introduce duplicate records to the Network Zone. |
Provider-Neutral Records & Use of Database-Level Records (approved) | Recommends the use of Provider-Neutral records for electronic resources to eliminate proliferation of records describing essentially the same content. |
Working in Alma and the Network Zone (approved) | Outlines the overarching principles regarding working in the Network Zone that CSU libraries must understand. |
Alma Brief Record Level Configuration (approved) | Alma supports 10 levels (often referred to as “Encoding Levels”) of brief bibliographic records. This policy, adapted largely from the Orbis Cascade Alliance, requires a Brief Bib Level of "06" for records in the NZ, and recommends the same for records in the NZ. |
Operational Policies | |
Bound-withs (approved) | Mandates CSU libraries use the standard method for bound-withs to ensure linking information is stored in the Institution Zone and immune from overlay. Host bibliographic records in the Institution Zone should be suppressed. |
CKB Descriptive Records for Shared Electronic Collections (approved) | Mandates suppression of bibliographic records (descriptive records) from Central KolwedgeBase (CKB) for shared electronic collections from discovery. |
Deleting Network Zone Records without Inventory from an IZ (approved) | Ensures operators working in an Institution Zone do not delete Network Zone records that appear to be without inventory, but in fact may be linked to bound-with titles in a local Institution Zone. |
Excluded MARC Fields (approved) | MARC Fields excluded from use by the CSU Libraries or NZ. Contact the RMWG if you need to use one of these fields. |
In-Process Brief Bibliographic Records & Minimum Acquisitions Data (approved) | Defines minimum acquisitions data elements for order records and recommends that in-process brief bibliographic records for orders be created or imported to the Network Zone. |
Language of Cataloging (approved) | Requires the use of English as the 'Language of Cataloging' in MARC records. CSU libraries should not use OCLC records with a 'Language of Cataloging' other than English for acquisitions or cataloging. |
Local Fields (approved) | Defines use of "local bibliographic extensions" to protect local data. To be used in conjunction with the proceduresLocal Fields in Alma & Primo. |
Managing E-Collections in Alma: CZ Records vs Vendor-Provided Bibliographic Records (approved) | CSU Libraries should manage e-collections via the CZ, if available, in lieu of loading vendor-provided bibliographic records in the NZ. |
Numeric Character References (approved) | Governs the use of Numeric Character References in MARC cataloging records in OCLC (and hence Alma). All settings for Alma should be UTF-8 Unicode. |
Ordering Using the Network Zone (approved) | Recommends using NZ records for ordering materials that will ultimately be shared in the NZ. |
Retaining and Deleting MARC Fields in OCLC Records (approved) | Catalogers must retain all MARC fields in OCLC records when exporting from Connexion with the exception of the 029 field, which must be deleted. |
Policy provides two methods for suppression of records (at the bibliographic and at the holdings level). | |
Withdrawals (approved) | Policy governing the withdrawal of physical items in Alma. CSU libraries are required to follow the procedures as outlined in this policy. |
988 NO DEDUPE use (approved) | Calls for the sparing use of 988 NO DEDUPE. |