- Nikki DeMoville (Unlicensed)
- Brian Moore (Unlicensed)
- Joanna Kimmitt
- Natalya Serge
- Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed)
Support Resource Sharing functional group's Analytics and Assessment needs; communicate Resource Sharing data to interested communities of practice (e.g. EAR).
In priority order
- ACRL statistics (how to gather for 2016-17, 2017-18; what to count; where do Short Term Loans fit?)
- Rota balancing for CSU+ (try to move closer to a 1:1 borrowing/lending ratio; is the mixture of titles random, or are particular collections/disciplines accounting for some of the heavier traffic?)
- CSU+ assessment (number of items borrowed/lent, top titles and topics, costs vs money saved)
- Beyond CSU+ (are there materials/subjects that CSU+ is consistently unable to supply? how might this gap be filled?)
Last Thursday of the month, 2-3 pm