


  • Introductions, define Resource Sharing Analytics needs, set priorities

Discussion items

ACRL statistics
  • What would Resource Sharing group like to see discussed during the Analytics & Assessment ACRL webinar scheduled for 12/5/17?  Astra/Stacy will bring this question back to the RS group.
  • Question regarding Short Term Loans (STL)–should these be counted as part of ILL?  The instructions say to count the expenditures in the same line as ILL (and various other) expenses, but where do the loans themselves get counted?  Asked RS group if they have an opinion or experience with this.
    • ACRL stats, line 22 instruction:  Include fees expended for short-term loans as part of a Patron-Driven Acquisition (PDA) or Demand-Driven Acquisition (DDA) program.
    • ACRL instructions say only to exclude all DDA stats from ebook usage, but do not state whether to count it as document delivery
    • ACRL line 82 states:  Report the number of filled requests for material received from other libraries. Include all returnable and non-returnable interlibrary loans and documents received from commercial services. Documents delivered from commercial services are all transactions for which the library pays even if library staff is not involved in the transaction.
    • Information on ProQuest's STL program is here
Needs, priorities

 Determined the following:

Needs in priority order

  1. ACRL statistics (how to gather for 2016-17, 2017-18; what to count; where do Short Term Loans fit?)
  2. Rota balancing for CSU+ (try to move closer to a 1:1 borrowing/lending ratio; is the mixture of titles random, or are particular collections/disciplines accounting for some of the heavier traffic?)
  3. CSU+ assessment  (number of items borrowed/lent, top titles and topics, costs vs money saved)
  4. Beyond CSU+ (are there materials/subjects that CSU+ is consistently unable to supply? how might this gap be filled?)
MeetingsLast Thursday of the month at 2pm seems to work for everyone.  Next meeting will be November 30, 2pm.



Action items


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