Discussion items
Item | Who | Notes |
RS dashboards | Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) | How can we make the lives of RS staff easier? Analytics can be scary but necessary for tasks like tracking lost & paid items or things that went missing in transit.
There is room to create dashboards that would be specifically for resource sharing people though.
Follow up from COLD | Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) | There wasn't much discussion around our stats. But here's what I said we would look at measuring in the next year: ROI
Collection Development
Effectiveness of the system
User group activities in ILL
How do we move forward with these measures? What should we prioritize?
Measuring loss rate for new 60-day flat loan period | Brian Moore (Unlicensed) | How long does a book actually stay checked out? How long does media stay out? Maybe looking at the number of days an item is checked out could put these concerns to rest. Another possible helpful measure - what kinds of items are never picked up? Maybe these things can go on our dashboard! |
The rota | Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) | Exploring the possibility of having two random rotas - one primary and one secondary. Waiting to hear back from Ex Libris about how Rota Templates are assigned when multiple templates are selected as the output of an assignment rule. Primary and secondary could be by collection size, borrow/lend volume or geographical (turn around time data would be good to have to see if Northern/Southern CA makes a difference in delivery time) Mallory will update when she gets a response to her case. |
Action items
- Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) will continue creating the functional reports and figuring out how to distribute them to the RS people who need them. Follow up with what's been built at the 5/24 meeting.
- Nikki DeMoville (Unlicensed) and Brian Moore (Unlicensed) create the bones of a dashboard and start populating it with existing reports, borrowing wherever possible. Follow up with what's been built at the 5/24 meeting.