
, 2-3pm


Discussion topics




CSU+ Dashboard


  • Per the request of spme RSFC members Nikki will work on adding date prompts to the last three tabs of the dashboard and then put forward to the requesters to see if this hits the mark.

Targeting failed/immediately cancelled CSU+ requests


At San Marcos we are using the CSU+ failed borrowing requests (formerly called “CSU+ immediately cancelled borrowing requests”) report, to spot configuration issues.

  • Made up a widget to show on Alma login screen

  • Requests at San Marcos typically fail because the CSU+ request link appears where it shouldn’t (ex: when no holdings exist). We’ve made some changes and have noticed a decrease in the number of failed requests.

  • Typical workflow: failed request spotted, reported to Lauren M. who generally ferrets out why it failed and fixes the issue.

  • Natalya will start to log the titles of these requests and what Lauren does to fix it

Also updated Primo scope from 01CALS to 01CALSPrint and it decreased the number of ebooks (or other things that don’t have holdings) available at other campuses being ordered through CSU+

Collection Development task force update


  • Amanda from Bakersfield chairing the collection development task force

  • Creating a CD toolkit using analytics data - content is pretty nicely built out for the IZ but the NZ reports related to resource sharing might end up being incorporated into the toolkit.

    • Reports with a lot of custom data can be difficult to include in a dashboard without a prompt, hence the creation of a toolkit that walks people through developing their own reports.

  • Task force has no website yet - forthcoming

  • Probably will have toolkit done by June-ish

Requested too long report


There’s a batch of requests at SJSU, Pomona and Bakersfield in this report from 12/6 that have status “created borrowing request”. Why are they there?

New projects


No requests for anything specific from RSFC or from the greater CSU+ community so we will choose what to work on next.

Cost per CSU+ transaction - Published data is old and based on small sample sets. Would be best to have our own calculations instead of using these.

  • Mallory and Joanna will work together on this

Titles or subject areas repeatedly borrowed through CSU+

  • Nikki will work on this

What titles or subject areas are being borrowed via ILLiad instead of CSU+?

  • Third bullet point is interesting and has a connection to the shared print initiative. but could be particularly tricky as it requires information from outside of Alma

  • Natalya will work on this.

Requests not picked up

  • Are there visible trends in these numbers? Does any campus have a particularly high pick up rate?

  • Nikki drafted a report but needs feedback about what other information would be useful.

  • Nobody assigned to this one

Action items