Created by Lauren Magnuson (Unlicensed) , last modified on May 12, 2016
Date 11 May 2016
Recording View the Blackboard Collaborate recording
Discussion items Time Item Who Notes 20 minutes Systems Task Force Updates
Systems Task Force Owners Bursar Integration (Ian Chan)Developing Integrations Survey to determine how campuses deal with fines / fees Potentially folding in Invoice integration functionality with this Task Force User API Integration (Ian Chan)Also part of the systems integration survey Some example/starter scripts posted to BitBucket ILLiad / Alma Integration (Micah Jeffries)Met on April 20th Christian (Sacramento) discussed use of ILLiad add-on Ian Chan (Unlicensed) (San Marcos) will be testing add-on this summerPotential issues with Rapid, also issues with Link+/INN-REACH LMS Integration (Dave Walker)Met to define goals and scope Will be a survey May combine discussion w/E-Reserves RFID Integration (Renaldo Gjoshe) Self Check Machines (Suzanna Conrad)Also have survey questions 13 campuses using Self Check with a variety of vendors Have documentation from Fresno for 3M; from Fresno's experience, integration is pretty vendor agnostic Some potential issues with 3M - will develop a test protocol to help campuses test integrations and check for functionality 10 minutes Ex Libris Developer Network Overview
Lauren Magnuson 30 minutes ELUNA Attendees Elizabeth Altman (Dev-Day-2016-EAltman.pptx ) Dave Walkerpresentation on projects using APIs, including authentication / authorization, data cleanup post-migration, using Alma as a room / study carrel reservation system, basic Reading List apps, etc. potential problems with using the APIs, when creating a key use a separate key for each application. If you ever wanted to troubleshoot problems on the Ex Libris side, they can do that by looking at the key; so if you're making calls from multiple apps there might be issues. Others!
Action items