ULMS Systems & Development : 2016-06-24 Meeting notes for CSUSM Alma-CASHNet-PS Integration


Ian Chan, Paul Tiglao, Margo Lopez


  • Discuss proposed revision of the integration process.

Discussion items

20minReview process outline 

Agreed on the following process.

Automated Load of Alma Fine/Fee data to PS

  1. Periodically generate a report from Alma with student account names and fine amount.
  2. The report in CSV/XML format is automatically delivered to IITS server folder for processing by a script.
  3. PeopleSoft will import and parse file.
  4. Holds on student accounts will be automatically placed by PeopleSoft. Fine and fee amounts will be automatically added or updated in student account.

Payment Process

  1. Student receives notification from Alma that fee is owed.
  2. Student pays via existing PS/CASHNet payment processing interface.
  3. Student PeopleSoft account is updated with paid amount
  4. PeopleSoft will periodically release holds depending on paid amount.
  5. PeopleSoft will periodically drop off file with student EMPLID and amount paid.
  6. Library script will process file and use Alma API to update student accounts.
10minNext steps 

2016-06-24 Meeting notes for CSUSM Alma-CASHNet-PS Integration meet with User Services to review automation process outlined above.

User Services will provide feedback on impact of automation process.

2016-06-24 Meeting notes for CSUSM Alma-CASHNet-PS Integration will investigate Alma API for generating file export.

Ian Chan (Unlicensed) will investigate processing 'paids' file that PeopleSoft will send to Library.

Action items