Created by Ian Chan (Unlicensed), last modified by David Walker on Mar 11, 2021
The goal of this project is to automate the transmission of Alma acquisitions data to PeopleSoft. This project involves a fairly significant resource investment from other campus groups.
Getting Started with Alma and PeopleSoft Accounts Payment Integration
Major Milestones
Stage | Description | Due | Status |
Project Kickoff | Meet with stakeholders and implementation team | COMPLETE | |
Milestone 1 | Alma to PS: Initial data mapping | COMPLETE | |
Milestone 2 | Alma to PS: develop conversion script | COMPLETE | |
Milestone 3 | Alma to PS: testing | COMPLETE | |
Milestone 4 | PS to Alma: Initial data mapping | NOT STARTED | |
Milestone 5 | PS to Alma: develop conversion script | NOT STARTED | |
Milestone 6 | PS to Alma: testing | NOT STARTED | |
Completion | Sign-off on data acceptance for both directions | NOT STARTED |
Project Team
Role | Name |
Project Lead | Alma and PeopleSoft Finance Integration |
CSU PeopleSoft | Darlene Daclan |
Project Pages
Campuses that use the CO-developed process include:
- Fresno
- Humboldt
- Northridge
- Pomona
- San Bernardino
- San Jose
Long Beach has their own, locally-developed process.
We also have a listserv for communication around those projects.