Provide a space to document CSUSM workflow and decisions associated with preparing Alma financial invoice data to PeopleSoft.
This documentation is based on: https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Product_Documentation/Alma_Online_Help_(English)/Acquisitions/030Invoicing/Invoicing_Workflow
Generic Invoicing Workflow - Green hash is ERP workflow
- An invoice is created in one of the following ways:
- Importing an EDI message from the vendor (see Creating an Invoice by EDI)
- Importing an Excel file (see Creating an Invoice From a File)
- Using a PO or manually (see Creating an Invoice From a PO or Manually)
- After creating an invoice using a PO or manually, you can choose to move directly to the Receive New Material page (see Receiving Material).
- The invoice is processed to determine whether there are elements that require special attention based on rules preconfigured by an administrator. This processing is performed automatically by the system.
If there are data issues that require attention, the invoice is sent for review (step 3). For information on this manual activity, see Reviewing Invoices. If there are no data issues and the preconfigured rules determine that the invoice can be processed automatically, the invoice moves to step 4.- If invoice_skip_erp = false on the CustomerParameters Mapping Table page (see Configuring Other Settings), the invoice is set to Ready to be Paid and proceeds accordingly in the workflow.
- Status= In ReviewThe review stage in the workflow enables the reviewer to add missing information to the invoice or correct any incorrect information on the invoice. When the reviewer clicks Save and Continue on the Review Invoices page, the invoice returns to step 2 in the workflow, where it is reprocessed to determine whether there are elements that require special attention. If data issues are still present, the invoice returns to review. If all data issues have been resolved, the invoice proceeds to step 4. Invoices that have been closed or sent to the ERP can be sent back to the review stage, to enable editing of the invoice (see Setting Invoices Back to Review).
- Status= Ready to be Paid. The invoice is either automatically approved and sent to the next stage of the workflow (awaiting payment), or awaits the appropriate library staff person’s manual approval before continuing with the workflow.
- If the approval rules preconfigured by an administrator determine that the invoice can be approved automatically, the invoice moves to step 5.
- If the approval rules preconfigured by an administrator determine that manual approval is required, the invoice is sent for manual approval. For information on this manual activity, see Approving Invoices. When the person performing the manual approval clicks Approve on the Invoice Information page (accessed from the Approve Invoices page), the approved invoice is ready to be sent to the payment system or ERP. (If the person rejects the invoice, it is returned to the review stage – see step 3).
- Status= Waiting for Payment. The invoice reaches the payment stage, in which the invoice awaits payment processing, either through Alma or through the institution’s ERP system. (For information on setting up your external system to receive invoices from Alma and running the job that exports invoices from Alma to this external system, see Financial Library Technology Initiatives and Development).
- If the handle_invoice_payment parameter in the Acquisitions Configuration Other Settings menu is set to true, the invoice is set to Waiting for Payment so that the institution itself can manage the payment of the invoice, either automatically through the import process (see https://developers.exlibrisgroup.com/alma/integrations/finance), or manually by an operator (see Working with Invoices Waiting for Payment).
- If the handle_invoice_payment parameter in the Acquisitions Configuration Other Settings menu is set to false, the invoice is closed without waiting for payment.
When a negative amount is entered for the invoice’s amount, a refund is granted to the user (see the Total Amount field description in Invoice Details Page Fields). - Status= Closed. Alma checks whether the PO lines associated with the invoice are fully invoiced and paid. The invoice is then closed.
The PO lines associated with the invoice are closed if they are received/activated and the invoice is closed. If the PO line’s items are not yet received/activated, they remain open.
Alma Settings that create the ERP environment
Find Other Settings within Alma->Acquisitions Configuration->Configuration Menu->General->Other Settings
Relevant fields:
- handle_invoice_payment = true (works with manual payments OR Import Payment Confirmation)
- invoice_skip_erp = false (Do Not Skip...Use ERP)
Setup ERP Job Parameters and S/FTP communication
- Find S/FTP definitions within Alma->Administration->General Configuration->Configuration Menu->External Library Technology Initiatives and Development->S/FTP definitions
- Find Integration Profiles within Alma->Administration->General Configuration->Configuration Menu->External Library Technology Initiatives and Development->Integration Profiles
- Within Integration Profiles, use Integration Type = Finance. While completing form, choose Oracle PeopleSoft as the System. Complete rest of parameters. Under Actions tab, Use Export Invoices for Payment section.
Errors can occur in several places along the process. We will document each area separately, and within each area will be the types of errors we might encounter and the process of handling them.
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