ULMS Technical Services : 2015-11-09 Meeting notes




  • Discuss survey to collect data about digital bookplates and local fields to draft best practices for local bib extensions;
  •  Identify priorities in "to-do list" to develop best practices, priority workflows for redesign.

Discussion items


See ULMS Project Update 11-3-2015

 Local Fields Survey 

Purpose: Survey CSU campuses to develop a CSU-wide inventory of local fields and standardize “local bib extensions” across CSU.

Action Item:

  1. Develop a survey regarding campus use of local fields and distribute it by early December in order to inform the development of a “best practice” recommendation for all CSU campuses.

For additional information, see the Orbis Cascade document regarding Bib Extensions: “Preparing for Migration of Local Bib Data to Alma Bibliographic Record Extensions

 Digital Bookplates Survey 

Purpose: To standardize practice for adding digital bookplates in bibliographic records.

Discussion confirmed that not all campuses have implemented digital bookplates, but among those that have, practices vary including use of different fields or record type (Fresno and San Jose encode information in item records).  Since Primo requires use of the bib record for this, the Group will assess campuses for field availability and make a recommendation regarding what field to use for digital bookplates.  Those campuses with bookplate information in the item record will need to move it to the recommended bib field prior to migration.  We plan to expedite this recommendation to guide the Vanguard campuses’ impending migration.

Action Items:

  1. Develop a brief survey to send out to the ULMS-Tech Services list to confirm current fields and practices in use for digital bookplates;
  2. Identify field and make a best practice recommendation.

 Priorities Checklist for Data Clean-Up 

Purpose: To provide guidance regarding data clean-up for campuses preparing for migration .

The group agreed that there are differing opinions among the CSUs regarding the necessity of many data clean-up tasks.  It would be good to provide some guidelines for the campuses incorporating further discussion of the Group’s rankings as well as Vanguard experiences.

Action Items:

  1. Group will add their cleanup priority ratings to document by November 23rd;
  2. Group will rank clean-up projects and document their recommendations.
 Working Documents (Update) 


  1. Best Practices for Digital Bookplates – (See #3 above)  Status: Draft completed
  2. Priorities Checklist for Data Clean Up –  Status: Draft completed
  3. Best Practices for Local Extensions – (See #2 above)  Status: in progress
  4. Best practices for Setting up YBP Workflows – CSUN has shared their documents regarding set-up with YBP using Alma.  This will help guide the development of best practices for CSU-YBP libraries. Status: in progress
  5. Develop workflows for e-books when the quality and completeness of the metadata from other sources are “better” than the records in the Alma KB (e.g., impact and implications to shared cataloging, etc.) Status: in progress
  6. Defining “the master record” in the Network Zone Status: in progress

“To-Do List” (Provided by ULMS Project Manager):

  • What's the "best" record to be the master record (Determining loading order into NZ)?
  • Best practices for LOCAL extensions in Alma (see #2 above)
  • What acquisitions should be put into the NZ?
  • Best practices for local ERM in the NZ: What role can the CO play?
  • Identifying priority workflows for redesign (see #5 above)
 Next Meeting 

Monday, December 14, 2015

Action items

  • Design and distribute digital bookplates survey
  • Develop best practice recommendation for adding digital bookplates in bibliographic records 
  • Design and distribute "Inventory of Local Fields" survey
  • Complete priority "ranking" of ILS data clean-up recommendations