ULMS Technical Services : 2015-12-14 Meeting notes




Discussion items

 Welcome & Introductions 

Guest Sarina Sinick, Data Migration Manager 


New Customer Knowledge Center:  knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com

No log in required


  • Working Group Chairs Check-In Meeting



  • ULMS TS Working Group web site
  • Draft recommendations for ‘best practices’ coming out of Leads Group should be shared with all Working Groups for vetting prior to finalizing by the ULMS Implementation Team, including holding open forum meetings with the Working Groups to gather feedback on proposed recomendations.
  • Documents being added to ULMS TS Confluence space.  Please take a look at Page Tree structure – open to feedback on how to best organize information here.

Review working documents and “to-do list”

A.      “Inventory of Local Fields” Survey: Analyze results & draft best practices for local extensions

B.      Network Zone: Populating NZ, Defining the master record (What's the "best" record to be the master record; Determining loading order into NZ)?

C.      What acquisitions should be put into the NZ?

D.      Best practices for local ERM in the NZ: What role can the CO play?

E.       Identifying priority workflows for redesign (Developing workflows for e-books)


A.      Great response results from campuses on survey.  Results will be analyzed by Leads Group with goal to make a recommendation to Working Groups on best practice for local field extensions.  (ExLibris does not need to reserve any local fields for their own use).

B.      Discussed three possible options on how to determine ‘master’ record in NZ.

1.       First record in is master record

2.       Use Orbis Cascade model

3.       Develop an algorithm to determine master record.

Discussed how to define what ‘best’ record is: national level authenticated records (DLC, PCC), use encoding level; records with contents notes/subject enhancements?  Important to always enhance the OCLC master record – don’t enhance locally if it could benefit others.

C.      Discussed what acquisitions data should be contributed to the NZ. Vendor records, order records, subscription memos or other information typically stored on SDLC site?   What about funding/payment info such as ECC vs. opt-in?  What other types of records should be contributed to NZ?  Luiz will put a placeholder for our Group in Google Drive to start listing various types of data that we can later work on.

D.      Discussed the CO role for eResource management in the NZ.  EL webinar on 12/11/15 presented 3 models of ERM in NZ as well as posed the question of what resources should be consolidated/managed in the NZ.  Luiz will put placeholder in Google Drive for Group to work on this (Best practice for ERM, Role of CO for local ERM, identify e-resources to consolidate). 

Review Ex Libris NZ webinar “Shared Catalog in Alma” (note list of topics in slide 19)

Basic principles to identify and document specific policies:

  • Catalog quality metrics
  • Identify enrichment workflows to the shared catalog – consistency across sources of records (vendor supplied records; external searches, etc.)
  • Identify matching routines
  • Avoid duplicates
  • What is considered duplicate?
  • Single or separate records?
  • Ordering workflows
  • What is considered brief record? 
  • Catalog completeness, update/overlay policies

These were topics listed in first EL webinar on NZ.   This list should be used for our Group to focus on for developing work-flows, best practice recommendations, and policies.

During the upcoming months, topics will be distributed to members of the Leads Group based on areas of expertise.

 Meeting schedule 
  • Next meeting January 25th 2016.
  • In February increase meetings to twice a month (2nd & 4th Monday)

Action items
