

Working Group

Technical Services

Task Force
Report Summary

Finalized recommendations for  Marcive Gov Docs: Documents without Shelves

Finalized procedures for Publishing to OCLC

Revised mapping of resource types from MARC bibliographic records for facets in Primo for the ULMS Discovery Group.

Reviewed and provided feedback to the Authority Control Task Force Recommendations


Marcive Gov Docs: Documents without Shelves (Recommendations)

Publishing to OCLC (Procedures)

Identification of Resource Types from MARC Bibliographic Records (Revised)

Action Items

Finalize procedures for creation of holdings records and organize training session for TS Working Group.

Finalize cataloging manual and training procedures, as needed, to be presented to the TS Working Group.

Continue to collaborate with Discovery Group in areas related to the mapping of resource types, suppression of MARC fields in Primo, and indexing and display of local data fields.

Continue to collaborate with Systems Discovery Group for the testing of Publishing to OCLC functionality.