
February 3rd, 2017

Working Group

Technical Services Working Group

Task Force
Authority Control Task Force
Report Summary

Reported issue with sandbox environment where local authorities were unable to be created, resolved by Svetlana on 2/3/17.

Completed Sandbox Testing Guidelines to spell out the 6 areas we would like to test regarding the Alma A/c jobs: local authority records, multi-subdivided subject headings, relationship designators, LC vocabularies (LCGFT/LCMPT), Authority Control Task List functionality, and connection between CZ and NZ records as it relates to authority control.

Creation of local authorities for testing to be completed by Feb 17th.

Hope to complete sandbox testing by the end of Feb., policies and procedures to follow.

DescriptionIdentified areas where specific policies and procedures would be needed. Added these items to the TF's goals list on Confluence page.
Action ItemsWill pull out/document specific records in the sandbox that apply to the 6 areas for testing, creation of local authorities for testing, will continue to work on draft policies and procedures, hope to turn on A/C jobs in the sandbox to test conversion by Feb 17th with full testing done by Feb 28th.