
March 17th, 2017

Working Group

Technical Services Working Group

Task Force
Authority Control Task Force
Report Summary

Authority Control jobs run on the NZ sandbox environment. Report of functionality with examples to be released next week.

Discussion of pros/cons of using CZ records exclusively in regards to Authority Control. Group recommends that any stable records (such as those being used for permanent ebook one-off ordering) have quality metadata and access points. This may involve using OCLC records instead of CZ records. Will follow up with the ERM TF and TS leads.

Local authority procedures and best practices document in draft along with NACO/PCC recommendations.

Emily will co-teach functional call with Ex Libris on March 23rd in regards to global authorities maintenance, running jobs, and task list functionality. One-off call on local authorities TBD.


Policies in regards to where and how local authorities will be stores and crafted were finalized for inclusion in the procedures documentation.

Recommendation of NZ access group completed with TS Working Group and drafted to be included in final report.

Action ItemsFinalize drafted documents, complete final report and recommendations to be handed off to TS Working Group.