ULMS Technical Services : SFX extracts for Alma and exporting SFX Shared Resouces

(Archive: 2016 SFX Test Migration information)

The local SFX instance holdings will be extracted during the Spring Break time period in March, when most libraries will be on break.  Ex Libris recommends running SFX extracts during off-peak time periods so I’ve planned to extract local SFX holdings beginning the weekend of March 25th.  If I’m unable to finish the exports that weekend, I will continue the exports the weekend of April 1st.  Please do not make any changes to SFX KB during the extract weekends.  Updates to the KB can continue on the following Monday after the extracts.

Vanguard libraries:  I will run a fresh extract from SFX.

Shared Resources:  I need to fill out the non-Ex Libris Link Resolver form to indicate which resources are shared.  This form includes adding the library name to the merged target the library shares.  I will be using the Merged Target list to match up the library to the merged target in the Ex Libris form.  The Merged Target list is available: http://tinyurl.com/pra5uzj

Please confirm that the list of merged target is correct and if not, please notify me so I can make the necessary changes to the list and the shared targets in the Chancellor’s instance.

Also, I will be using non-EL Link Resolver form for the non-SFX libraries so I’m going to need the list of targets the library would like shared in the Network Zone in Alma.  If your library has not sent a list, please do so by the first of April so I can update the Ex Libris form before the due date.

The CSU Serial Solutions/ProQuest Summon subscription will end in June 2016 and Primo Central and the SFX holdings will replace Summon.


March 23, 2016 Update:  Extracts from the local SFX instances will begin March 26th and should be completed by April 3rd.  I'm extracting the weekend of March 26th and April 2nd, leaving the weekend of April 9th open in case there are any issues with an extract and it needs to be run again.  This should help us meet the April 15th deadline.  

Test Load Delivery Schedule

*If your library has imported local print data into SFX from the library catalog, you do NOT want to migrate this target from SFX.  This data will be migrated from the local catalog.  If the target is getHolding, it will not migrated from SFX to Alma.  The only targets that will migrate are getFullTxt and getSelectedFullTxt targets.


Locally created getFullTxt and getSelectedFullTxt targets will be migrated to Alma from SFX.  There is more information in the SFX to Alma Migration Guide, starting on page 9.  Videos and Reading by Functional Area#TechServices


Please do not make updates to your local SFX instance during the weekend of your library's extract.  Updates can continue on the Monday after the scheduled extract weekend.  

First batch of SFX extracts for March 26-27:

  • CSUB
  • CSUF
  • HSU
  • CSUM

Second batch of SFX Extracts for April 2-3:

  • MLML
  • CSUN
  • CPP
  • SDSU
  • SFSU
  • SJSU
  • SSU
  • STAN