ULMS Migration Archive : 2015-08-12 Implementation Team Meeting notes




  • Decide on place, date for Kick off meeting
  • Review high level timeline
  • Answer barcode question
  • Determine process for deciding agenda, minutes for future calls

Shared documents

Discussion items

  • Audrey Ho was introduced to us. She will be our project manager, and was previously project manager for the Orbis Cascade project.
20minKick off meeting for OctoberMelissa
  • Melissa walked through a sample kick-off meeting agenda.
  • They are not 100% sure who will attend from Ex Libris, but likely four people, including Melissa and Audrey.
  • They can accommodate a large group, but we discussed inviting the Implementation Team, campus Project Managers, and Working Group chairs.
  • We tentatively selected October 5th for the meeting. We will confirm and get back to Ex Libris.
20minHigh-level timelineMelissa
  • Ex Libris shared a high-level timeline for the project.
  • We should consider these dates to be the formal ones for the project, versus the proposed timeline from the negotiations. But the main calendar and timeline will be in Basecamp.
  • Alice asked about attendees at the upcoming trainings listed in the timeline, trying to gauge size and audience. Workshops will mostly be for leads from functional areas in the libraries, and there is some flexibility here. Ex Libris will facilitate a meeting between Alice and Connie, the training manager at Ex Libris, to discuss further.
  • Walking through the document, we noted a couple of duplicate or incorrect items, which Tony corrected.
  • Marina clarified that non-circulating items do not need a barcode
3minFuture callsMelissa
  • Ex Libris will send out agendas in advance. Audrey and Brandon will be tasked with establishing those, and determining how best to record and distribute minutes.

Action items


Ex Libris Meeting Notes

01CALS - CalState University Pre-Implementation Meeting

August 12, 2015



CalState: Brandon Dudley, David Walker, Alice Kawakami, Rae Ann Stahl, Patrick Newel

Ex Libris: Melissa Hilbert, Audrey Ho, Tony Gibbons, Marina Spivakov


Action Items:

1. CalState team to share feedback on sample kickoff meeting agenda

2. Tony to send revised timeline milestone document (attached to this message)

3. Tony to send remaining answers to data cleanup document (RFID)

4. Audrey to facilitate a call with Alice regarding questions related to training

5. Audrey and Brandon to meet to plan future meeting agendas and determine responsibility for taking and distributing meeting notes

6. Ex Libris team to send meeting notes to CalState for today’s meeting (per this message)


Next meeting: Wednesday, August 26 @ 11am PT, 1pm CT, 2pm ET


Agenda topics:


1. Introduction of Audrey Ho to project team

* Audrey will be the project manager for the project

* In this role she will be leading all future meetings


2. Kickoff meeting planning

* Sample agenda was reviewed

* Kickoff date: October 5 is the confirmed date [per email from Alice post meeting]

-- start time of 10am is preferred.  Melissa advised that the timing can be compressed if needed.

* Criteria for attendees

-- Core team (5) + working group leads (5) + institutional leads + Ex Libris attendees (4)

-- Ex Libris attendees to include Melissa Hilbert, Audrey Ho, Marina Spivakov, and John Larson


3. Project milestones document

* Tony made a few edits during the meeting and will distribute the revised version after the meeting

* Audrey indicated that she will start the project milestone planning from this document and will move to the Events Calendar

in Basecamp once the project kicks off


4.  Pending data cleanup questions on item barcodes

* Marina clarified Patrick's question.  Non-circulating items do not need barcodes in Alma

* Our response related to item barcodes and RFID is pending.  Tony will forward the answer soon.


5.  Future meeting planning

*  Audrey and Brandon will meet to draft future agendas and determine responsibility for taking and distributing meeting notes


6.  Additional topics

*  Alice asked for a contact in the Ex Libris training department so that she can clarify a few points on the training

sessions.  Audrey will follow up with Alice and will arrange for her to meet with Connie Braun, Ex Libris Training Manager



01CSU - Sample Kickoff Meeting agenda.pdf (application/pdf)
01CSU Alma high-level project timeline.xlsx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet)
01CSU Alma high-level project timeline.xlsx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet)
01CSU Alma high-level project timeline.xlsx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet)
01CSU Alma high-level project timeline.xlsx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet)
01CSU Alma high-level project timeline.xlsx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet)
01CALS Pre-Implementation Meeting Notes August 12, 2015.eml (application/octet-stream)